What is your Recovery Rate?

Written by Graham and Julie

Continued from page 1

The secret to a better life is be likerepparttar sportsperson, ask yourself:

Did I recover quicker today than I did yesterday?

Did I recover quicker this time thanrepparttar 123221 last occasion I faced a similar incident?

Did I allow myself to be average today?

Did I equal or improve on my personal best today?

Don’t live your life inrepparttar 123222 past! Learn to live inrepparttar 123223 present, to overcomerepparttar 123224 past. Stoprepparttar 123225 past from influencing your daily life. Don’t allow thoughts ofrepparttar 123226 past to reduce your personal best. Stoprepparttar 123227 past from interfering with your life. Learn to recover quickly.

What we are suggesting is not an easy path. To work on your recovery rate and make changes in your thoughts, behaviour and attitudes requires a great deal of effort. However,repparttar 123228 rewards are also great. It is important that you don’t force yourself to work on your recovery rate because you think you ought to or must or because you feel it will ‘make you a better person’. There's no benefit in that because you will not stick torepparttar 123229 task. You will make a great deal of effort atrepparttar 123230 beginning but when you are not achievingrepparttar 123231 results you want you will stop or look for another technique. Only when you really feel you want to change . When you realise life is not working for you atrepparttar 123232 moment usingrepparttar 123233 methods you are using will you put inrepparttar 123234 effort to change your behaviour to improve your recovery rate. You can only improve your recovery rate when you can see that there is great benefit forrepparttar 123235 self. Once you decide you wish to improve your recovery rate, you will start to check and change your thoughts and behaviour and make effort to perform to your personal best. You can check your progress by measuringrepparttar 123236 speed in which you are able to apply a full stop. The time it takes you to let go. The time it takes before you are functioning at or near your personal best again.

Check yourself:

What was my recovery rate afterrepparttar 123237 argument with my partner?

What was my recovery rate after I lost a sale?

What was my recovery rate after I received a ticket for speeding? What was my recovery rate after I heard a friend was ill?

What was my recovery rate after I got frustrated with myself over………?

But remember; Rome wasn’t built in a day. Reflect on your recovery rate each day. Every day before you go to bed, look at your progress. Don’t lie in bed saying to yourself, ‘I did that wrong’. ‘I should have done better there’. No. Look at your day and note when you made an effort to place a full stop after an incident. This is a success. You are taking control of your life. Remember this is a step by step process. This is not a make-over. You are undertaking real change here. Your aim: reducerepparttar 123238 time spent in recovery.

The way forward?

Live inrepparttar 123239 present. Not inrepparttar 123240 precedent.

Graham and Julie


Graham and Julie live in the Canary Islands where the pursue their love for writing, photography and spirituality.

Communication Is The Difference Between Winning and Losing

Written by Raju Gavurla

Continued from page 1
this can't be happening. As I approached, I realized they were using sign language. As I looked atrepparttar buildings, engraved aboverepparttar 123219 door onrepparttar 123220 building to my left was Gallaudet University. I told a friend about my experience and he informed me Gallaudet University is a school forrepparttar 123221 deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students. It made more sense to me. Assumption is a losing form of communication. To address traditional communication think ofrepparttar 123222 following. What you say, how you say it, your listening skills, your understanding, and response make an impact. I was flying from Atlanta, GA to Pittsburgh, PA. I observed a lady sitting beside me reading a book intently. We were thirty minutes outside of Pittsburgh whenrepparttar 123223 plane started losing altitude. It felt like we were on a roller coaster. The plane was definitely communicating there's a problem torepparttar 123224 pilot and passengers. When there's a problem, you better fix it, especially when on an airplane. The lady beside me started reading fast, prayed, started to look nervous, and grabbed my arm tightly. Being positive minded and knowing something had to be done, I utilized humor to calm her and myself. I told her with a humorous I know what's happening tone, "Don't worry; they are just backing offrepparttar 123225 jets." Someone giving her some positive and knowledgeable sounding input calmed her andrepparttar 123226 airplane became stable and we landed safely in Pittsburgh. I didrepparttar 123227 best I could do and I'm glad I didn't have to do better. I made uprepparttar 123228 humorous line to benefit her and I. Understand, prayer and humor when used correctly are winning forms of communication. A significant form of communication is motivation. Motivation gets you to think and do. It provides fuel for professional and personal fulfillment. My motivational tip forrepparttar 123229 New Year is for you to "communicate with a focus" (action) and you will have more fun, create more value, develop better relationships, and show you care. Be genuine, comfortable, and patient. Remember, "Communication isrepparttar 123230 difference between winning and losing." It will make a significant difference in your life. Be a winner! Raju Gavurla, President of LiiiVEN™, Inc. is a Motivational Speaker and Consultant. Client Modular Approach programs on motivation, communication, and mental health assist you in achieving your professional/personal goals. Contact him at 404-918-7366, e-mail raju.gavurla@liiiven.com or visit www.liiiven.com. Copyright 2003 LiiiVEN™, All rights reserved. Duplication whole or in part must include this entire attribution.

Your motivational speaker, Raj Gavurla, encourages you to think and make good decisions. Raj's sincere desire is to simplify and inspire your ability to make a significant difference.

Raj believes being nice is the key ingredient to achieving greater success. When speaking to audiences and working with clients, Raj always has a "You and I Are Going For The Victory!" attitude.

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