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I would also suggest that you keep these lists in a special notebook or computer file, and not share them with anybody. I’ve learned that until our dreams are actually manifested, it’s best to either keep them and our gratitude lists to ourselves or ONLY shared with those whom we can utterly trust to add SUPPORTIVE energy to our gratitude and dreams. Otherwise we may create an “energy leak” that will deflate our efforts. Keep your gratitude lists sacred, and build up their energy by prizing them as you would a treasure... each day as you add to your “energy bank” of gratitude,
potency of your lists will grow!
time out of your busy schedule to make your gratitude lists on a regular basis, and making
effort to express your gratitude OFTEN to
special people in your life, is a gift that can be given freely to yourself and to those you care for. And, your heartfelt words of appreciation are often MORE precious and long-cherished by
receiver than even
most expensive purchased gift could ever be!

Copyright Laurie Kristensen, 2005-Present. All rights reserved.
Laurie Kristensen owns and operates a successful audio transcription and typing business from home, visit Also be sure to browse through her Success Resources at
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