What is the future of On-Line business? Should you still get excited?

Written by Robert Van Rumpt

Continued from page 1

These EMM organizations use sophisticated, duplicatable, high tech methods to recruit and to market their wares. They no longer depend on individual skills to create a ‘down-line’ nor do they depend on people being strong ‘closers’ ofrepparttar pitch. Instead members are educated in duplicatable methods that anyone can learn. The system is set up in ways that take advantage of existing marketing programs with strong tech support for evenrepparttar 100314 most novice entrepreneurs.

Marketing is strongest when it follows proven methods with predictable outcomes. Marketing as large group on behalf of individuals has many benefits. Look at McDonalds. Althoughrepparttar 100315 branches are individually owned they follow Exact Methods forrepparttar 100316 preparation of their products as well as a global marketing program which continues to drive customers through its doors. Global Marketing on behalf of individuals.

If you are part ofrepparttar 100317 Home Based On-Line business community, make sure your organization follows these EMM principals. If you are experiencing insurmountable challenges of trying to developrepparttar 100318 MLM ‘Downline’, consider joining a EMM organization and watch how differentrepparttar 100319 results are.

I did join an EMM organization and it has provenrepparttar 100320 principal of ‘Exact Method Marketing’ over and over again. No need for me to recruit my friends (and turn them into enemies sometimes); no need for me to create my own ways to Market; no need for me to personally interact with people I don’t know; I just followrepparttar 100321 predetermined actions as my organization prompts me. It does require Trust and that isrepparttar 100322 hardest part of it. Trust is earned, not bought. The EMM solution for that is to try before you buy.

If you are interested to learn more aboutrepparttar 100323 program I enrolled in; you can check it out for free. No up front fees….. a free test drive and free course on how it all works and how to get started. Follow this link and check it out yourself : http://1275972845.freestoreclub.com

As they say, The Proof is inrepparttar 100324 Pudding. Go ahead and have some ‘pudding’. I would love to hear from you; drop me a line and tell me what you think.


BIZOPZ BOB is a home business entrepreneur with a number of successful ventures on the go. He has an extensive business background and has ventured into the on-line community with a passion. While maintaining healthy skepticism, he explores many different opportunities and reports on his endeavors, good or bad. You can contact Bob at: http://bizopz-online.com He shoots straight; aims high and loads for bear.

What You Should Know About Working From Home Before You Start!

Written by Kim Beardsmore

Continued from page 1

4. Develop a passion to help others. John Milton Fogg in "The Greatest Networker inrepparttar World" shows clearly his key to MLM success has been a passionate desire to help others achieve. You will need to be able to show your distributors how they can make money and you will need to coach them until they achieve their financial goals. Some people have mistakenly thought of MLM as primarily a sales business. In many aspects, it is, however MLM works as an effective distribution channel where leaders help their downline to achieve their individual goals. The best MLM-ers learn to become exceptional trainers.

5. Giving up your time outside your job. One ofrepparttar 100313 most powerful aspects of MLM is that you can build a business part time while working full time in a job. MLM success comes to those people who make a conscious commitment to work on their business a dedicated number of hours each day and week. You will need to be committed to jealously guarding those precious hours so other life-matters do not take over.

6. Become a problem solver. Probably not long after you get started you will encounter some problems. You will have new skills to learn and at first your judgement will not be well established and you may not see problems emerging until they arrive. It is a simple fact that some things will go wrong. Findly solutions will be your responsibility. How you emotionally approach and handle these challenges will determine how large your business will ultimately grow.

If you are prepared to make this six-part investment in your business then a MLM work at home business may just berepparttar 100314 vehicle to secure your financial future.

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore operates a successful marketing business from home. If you're serious about earning money from home and are willing to work (this isn't 'get rich quick'), then we'd like to help you grow a profitable business. We offer complete training, online and offline resources and a partnership for success: http://free2liv.com/?refid=6invst-567885640

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