What is snowkiting?

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

You can either snowkite with skis or a snowboard; whichever one makes you feelrepparttar most comfortable. Many extreme riders prefer to userepparttar 133199 board as there is more flexibility and ease. There are many vacation spots aroundrepparttar 133200 world that are now picking up snowkiting as a popular sport. Should you visit a ski resort and decide to go this route, you will need to take a lesson or two just to getrepparttar 133201 hang ofrepparttar 133202 equipment.

Frenzy, Samurai, and Razor are popular kites available forrepparttar 133203 snowkiter. Depending on your budget, you can expect to pay $500 - $1500 for an entire setup. You may also find used equipment at ski shops in your area as well.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.kitesurfingnow.com. Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

Skatesailing – The Ice Age

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

If you are new torepparttar sport you may want to exercise with caution, there are some schools that will teach yourepparttar 133198 art of skatesailing. You will need a good pair of ice skates as well asrepparttar 133199 sail. Pay close attention torepparttar 133200 instructor, they will teach yourepparttar 133201 art of turning, navigating, speeding up and slowing down. Once you have masteredrepparttar 133202 basics you can then begin to speed up and learn other tricks that can increase your speed. You can also learn how to skatesail on skis, although there needs to be more wind to push you andrepparttar 133203 skies.

Although skatesailing has become popular, it is a seasonal sport. Most people who enjoy skating will take to it with passion.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.kitesurfingnow.com. Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

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