"What is an Investor Ready Business Plan"

Written by Howard Schwartz

Continued from page 1

A complete description ofrepparttar product orrepparttar 104549 services offered by you should be outlined in detail. A description ofrepparttar 104550 overall market for your product or service, along withrepparttar 104551 details of your customer base is essential. The investors need to knowrepparttar 104552 reach andrepparttar 104553 kind of customers your product / service is catering to.

Marketing Plan

One ofrepparttar 104554 most important sections of your business plan is your marketing plan. This section will outline your sustainable competitive advantage to your investors. In a way assure them why you will succeed where others have failed. This section is where you include a definitive description of your customers, market size, demographics, characteristics, growth prospects, trends and sales potential per product / service category.

Here is whererepparttar 104555 pricing strategies are outlined and how they can directly influencerepparttar 104556 growth potential of each product /service. It is also important to includerepparttar 104557 future growth, market share and trend influences.

Barriers to Entry

Along with givingrepparttar 104558 details of what your product / service is and who your customers are, you also have to inform your investors how you will you prevent your competitors from taking away your customers. The barriers to entry section outlines your business strategy to keep your competitors at bay and grow inrepparttar 104559 market. Investors need to feel comfortable aboutrepparttar 104560 soundness of your strategy before they invest in your venture.

Click here to contact us to learn more about writing an investor ready business plan: http://www.investorbusinessplan.com/writing-business-plan.html

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Howard Schwartz is a Business Plan Consultant and a partner in investorbusinessplan.com. He is based at Stanford, Connecticut, and has helped many young entrepreneurs start out on their business careers by preparing a comprehensive business plan for them. He can be contacted on info@investorbusinessplan.com and at 203-494-3344.

Top Ten Things Kids Teach Us About Our Careers

Written by Carwin Dover

Continued from page 1

6. Giving honor comes easy with respect. When my kids were young, they had great respect for their Mom and Dad. They gave us honor easily and frequently with drawings forrepparttar refrigerator and stories from books and their imaginations. When we respect our boss, our employees, our fellow workers, our customers and suppliers, it is much easier to say "Thank You!" All we need to do is let them earn our respect and be respectful.

5. Humor is a serious asset. Raising kids is serious business. Luckily, kids usually provide ample opportunity for parents to be humored by their antics, struggles and successes. Add a little humor alongrepparttar 104548 career track and you may even find yourself drawing a Dilbert cartoon!

4. Two heads are better than one. Take on a kid one on one and you have your work cut out for you! Include your spouse inrepparttar 104549 process and your odds of success increase. Transferrepparttar 104550 lesson to marketing, customer service, employee training, and other challenges. Userepparttar 104551 expertise of those around you. Allow me a shameless marketing tip: Hire a coach and discover how two heads draw out your own expertise.

3. Attraction works better than whining. How many times have you said, "Quit your whining or you won't get anything!" You were trying to teach your child to act and behave in an attractive manner. Go and dorepparttar 104552 same in your own career.

2. A power play is a temporary victory. I always tell parents, "Avoid power plays with your kids. If you don't, your child will always win." Often I receive a quizzical look with, "But if I ground my child, they lose, right?" Think about it. Those battles are often repeated and what fun is that? Find ways to avoid power plays in your career to elevate yourself.

1. Behind great success is a greater spouse. It is easier to raise kids with a Mom and a Dad. It is easier to to develop a career when your spouse is supportive. Let your spouse know what your definition of supportive is and remind one another you are both onrepparttar 104553 same side. The world is yours.

Carwin Dover works with owners and managers who want to balance their business and who want to balance their life. Learn more at www.mycoachswebsite.com .

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