What is a balanced diet for losing weight and good health?

Written by Rudy Silva

Continued from page 1

It is recommended that around 30% - 35% of your eating habits consist of protein.

Carbohydrates - consist of simple and complex sugars. When carbohydrates are eaten they are broken down into sucrose, which is readily accepted by your cells. Sucrose is converted into energy in your cells. If you eat a lot of high glycemic carbohydrates, your bloodstream becomes overwhelm with sucrose. The excess sucrose in your cells will be converted to fat and stored.

Because most people have been adding weight eating high glycemic carbohydrates, it best to change your eating habits and decrease your intake of these carbohydrates. In general people have been eating 80% high glycemic foods (HighGF) and 20% low glycemic foods (LowGF.) You need to change that to 80% LowGF and 20% HighGF.

This means that you should limit eating foods like potatoes, bread, corn, pasta, muffins, and any flour products. HighGF encouragesrepparttar storage of fat sincerepparttar 144376 more sucrose you have in your blood,repparttar 144377 more sucrose is escorted into your cells by insulin.

You need to concentrate on foods, which are LowGF. Many of these foods are vegetables with small amounts of carbohydrates and high fiber content.

LowGF discouragesrepparttar 144378 storage of fat since less sucrose is inrepparttar 144379 blood and less is escorted into your cells.

Quality Fats - which are eaten with your meals, prevent sugars from moving quickly into your blood stream.

You need to eat more ofrepparttar 144380 good fats. It's these fats that will help you lose weight. The good fats are omega 3, omega 6, and medium chain fatty acids, MCFA.

Here isrepparttar 144381 breakdown onrepparttar 144382 quantity of each type of fat that you should be eating. These percentages are what you should be working towards so that fats provide you with good health and help you keep your weight down.

* saturated fats 10%

* polyunsaturated fats 20%

* monounsaturated fats 60%

There you have it,repparttar 144383 numbers and percentages of protein, carbohydrates, and fats that give you a balanced diet so that you can lose weight.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter call “Natural Remedies Thatwork.com.” For more informationrepparttar 144384 onrepparttar 144385 essential fatty acids, visit his web site at http://www.fatty-acid-remedies.for--you.info

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter call “Natural Remedies Thatwork.com.” For more information the on the essential fatty acids, visit his web site at http://www.fatty-acid-remedies.for--you.info

Post-Nasal Drip May Produce Multiple Health Complications

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Sinusitis (another name for sinus infection) doesn’t have to catch people off-guard; there are many sinus infection symptoms that may be a warning of impending sinus infection. For example, sinus pressure or sinus headaches may indicate a sinusitis. Nasal congestions or nasal pressure may also precederepparttar onset of sinusitis.

Prevention of Post-Nasal Drip Complications

Prevention of complications stemming from post-nasal drip is surprisingly simple. Since bacteria are in everything we touch, we regularly wash our hands. Likewise, since bacteria are in everything that we breathe, we should regularly wash out our nasal passages.

Washing hands requires soap, but rinsing out nasal cavities requires something safer and more natural in a nasal spray. One ofrepparttar 144375 natural resistant elements in our bodies, called Xylitol, has been used asrepparttar 144376 leading ingredient in some nasal spray. Xylitol is a sugar free constituent ofrepparttar 144377 body which resists and repels bacteria from sensitive bodily tissues such asrepparttar 144378 nasal tissues.

The use of Xylitol as a leading ingredient in nasal spray has been tested overrepparttar 144379 years and found to be one ofrepparttar 144380 most effective methods of preventing complications arising from post-nasal drip.

Joe Miller is an author of informational articles and online advertisements on health-related issues. More information on post-nasal drip and its complications is available at Xlear.com.

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