What is The Google Toolbar?

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Pop-Up Blocker You get them, we all get them, those nasty pop-up ads that ask you to lose weight or tell you how to increase your libido. These advertising snippets have become annoying torepparttar point that some websites you cannot even get on because you can be barraged by a plethora of pop-up ads. The Pop-Up Blocker plug-in allows you to receive little if no pop-ups. Google designed this plug-in as an approach to invasion free web surfing. Every time a pop-up rears its ugly head, POW! Add another pop-up torepparttar 118641 counter. It actually tells you how many pop-upsrepparttar 118642 toolbar has thwarted.

BlogThis! An interesting technology that was designed inrepparttar 118643 late 1990’s and recently purchased by Google. Blog This! Allowsrepparttar 118644 user to create a private or public diary or workspace to share ideas, search for people, create discussions and just jot down information. These blog’s have become infamous overrepparttar 118645 past few years and Google has purchasedrepparttar 118646 leading company inrepparttar 118647 boom.

Autofill capabilities You may have been looking up a specific keyword or term and found a result that you liked. The Autofill capabilities cache your searching information for present as well as future use should you need to call up previous search requests.

As you canrepparttar 118648 Google toolbar displays many great features and technologies that you can harness in a few short clicks. The technology involved has far surpassed any other search engine onrepparttar 118649 planet.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.sitetube.com. Visit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.

Every Website is Someone's Attempt at Achieving a Goal

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

The Internet is another tool like fire andrepparttar stone-axe,repparttar 118640 wheel andrepparttar 118641 well,repparttar 118642 airplane andrepparttar 118643 satellite. The point is that we’ve built it for a purpose. What is your personal reason for being alive? Do you know yet? Do you just want to be happy while you are here in this magical form? Well, that’s why we invent tools. We want to make things work, getrepparttar 118644 job done each day, go home happy and content each night knowing that we’ve done our share ofrepparttar 118645 load. A lot of us believe that helping others isrepparttar 118646 true way to finding happiness. Whatever your goal in life is, if you’ve achieved it or not,repparttar 118647 World Wide Web is a new aspect of our world that we can use to takerepparttar 118648 risks and logical steps to achieving what we are looking for.

Why does that person have a website about health issues? Did they have to go through a hard experience of their own that inspired them to share what they learnt with others? Why does this person have a site about spirituality? Did they once feel lost inrepparttar 118649 world, and now they want to tell others aboutrepparttar 118650 experience that has brought them faith? Why does this person sell doughnuts overrepparttar 118651 Web? Do they think that all people should knowrepparttar 118652 power of a chocolate covered glazed extravagance at least once in their life? Maybe before they sold doughnuts they lived as a recluse inrepparttar 118653 forest. Did they come torepparttar 118654 city and after eatingrepparttar 118655 first thing they came across (a doughnut); they had an epiphany about their true purpose in life?

By taking this humanistic approach to our technology,repparttar 118656 tech-heads can build better programs and software that’s much simpler to comprehend. The layperson can relate to, and understandrepparttar 118657 Net better, and even helprepparttar 118658 experts by sharing their viewpoints and becoming more of a part ofrepparttar 118659 future technologies process. This perspective will also help people to realize thatrepparttar 118660 computer isn’t something separate from them or something to be afraid of.

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net http://www.m6.net Jesse S. Somer is a human just like any other. The Internet isn’t technology. The Internet is humanity: people striving for achievement.

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