What is Oral Chelation and how can it help prevent heart disease

Written by Mike Spencer

Continued from page 1

EDTA is an artificial amino acid, and sincerepparttar body regards it as a foreign substance,repparttar 112855 body eliminatesrepparttar 112856 entire particle -repparttar 112857 heavy particle coated with EDTA.

The body can't tell that underneathrepparttar 112858 coating is some material (iron mixed with carbon, perhaps) whichrepparttar 112859 body might be willing to keep even though it is harmful torepparttar 112860 body. So, this coated EDTA particle gets sent torepparttar 112861 kidney and you urinate it out intorepparttar 112862 toilet. You just got rid of some heavy particles.

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a common sequestrant and antioxidant which is a part of oral chelation. This oral chelation is added to foods, body care, and household products.

The oral chelation also occurs as disodium calcium EDTA, tetrasodium EDTA, and disodium dihydrogen EDTA. As a sequestrant, this oral chelation binds trace minerals such as copper, iron and nickel that may be inrepparttar 112863 product. If not inactivated, these minerals will lead to discoloration, rancidity and textural breakdown. When added as an antioxidant, EDTA prevents oxygen from causing color changes and rancidity.

Mike Spencer has been helping people protect their health for many years. To find out how you can help protect your heart and prevent heart disease with oral chelation visit mikes site at: http://www.oral-chelation-reviews.com

How Body Ph Can Increase (and Decrease) Your Energy Levels

Written by Andy Long

Continued from page 1
of complex functions that occur overrepparttar course ofrepparttar 112854 day, your body has to be able to communicate with itself

After years of extreme fatigue, severe digestion problems and frequent sickness, Andy Long now enjoys energy levels that allow him to windsurf in 30 mph winds for 3-4 hours at a time. He now shares with others what he did to completely regain his health through his health related web sites and newsletter. Note: Learn about a device that will tell you the antioxidant levels in your body just by scanning your hand. http://www.splinfo.com

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