What is NLP?

Written by Roger Ellerton Phd, ISP, CMC

Continued from page 1

Programming refers to your habits, patterns, programs, strategies, etc. If it is a workday, do you follow a particular pattern, as you get ready for work? Maybe you like to lay in bed an extra 5 minutes afterrepparttar alarm goes off. Do you shower right away or have breakfast first? If you take time to look at what you do, I am sure that you will see a pattern that you follow in getting ready for work. If for some reason you do not follow that pattern, do you find yourself feeling that something is missing? You have patterns, habits, strategies, programs for everything you do. Some of these patterns serve you, others do not - resulting in unwanted outcomes. You maybe fully aware of some of your patterns. You may become aware of other patterns only when someone else brings them to your attention. And you may choose to quickly forget about these patterns because you do not want to address that part of your life. And there are still other patterns that you are not aware of at all; yet they continue to influence how you look after yourself, communicate with others, etc. Ifrepparttar 123369 patterns serve you - generate positive results in your life - great! If you find that some patterns do not serve you, would it be useful to discover which patterns they are and to change them?

Question: Who put your patterns, habits, strategies, programs in place? You did! So who can change them? You can! First, you must be aware that you run these patterns. For me, this is one ofrepparttar 123370 biggest benefits of NLP - become aware ofrepparttar 123371 patterns, habits, strategies, programs that I have been running unconsciously and then use NLP techniques to change them so that I achieverepparttar 123372 outcomes that I desire.

And NLP is MUCH more than that!

In subsequent articles, we will explore NLP in more detail, giving you insights as to how you function, how you communicate with others and how you can change your life, if you choose.

Author: Roger Ellerton is a certified NLP trainer, certified management consultant and the founder and managing partner of Renewal Technologies. He can be reached at Renewal Technologies http://www.renewal.ca or by e-mail at mailto:info@renewal.ca

How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit

Written by Colin Dunbar

Continued from page 1

Too often we throw up our hands in frustration, or drop our head in desperation. And what isrepparttar value of that? Does it rectifyrepparttar 123368 problem? Absolutely not! So why do we allow outside influences to affect us detrimentally? Accept that which you have no control over, and your attitude will soar proportionately.

In practice, using spaced repetition, committing these words to memory, whenrepparttar 123369 occasion arises, we almost automatically retrieve these words andrepparttar 123370 whole situation looks entirely different.

This is whererepparttar 123371 value of words comes into its own. A while ago, while pulling away from a traffic light, I was too slow forrepparttar 123372 driver behind me. He hooted and showed me to move. My first reaction was to become annoyed, and I was "talking" to him - in no uncertain terms. Then I asked myself what effect does that have onrepparttar 123373 situation? And realizing this I relaxed I continued on my journey. Byrepparttar 123374 time I reached my destination, I had all but forgottenrepparttar 123375 incident.

Words can be of real value to us, if we use them correctly. Give it a try, and seerepparttar 123376 effect it has on your attitude, and on you as a person.

As Rudyard Kipling said: "Words arerepparttar 123377 most powerful drug used by mankind."

----------------------- Make it your goal to... Find a motivational quote (you can find one here), and write this down. Give it a read at least twice a day - you'll be surprised atrepparttar 123378 result.


This article is available at www.colindunbar.com -repparttar 123379 site with everything positive. http://www.colindunbar.com/biggest_fallacy.html You may use this article in your newsletter or on your web site, as long as this resource box in included in full.

Colin is a technical writer, with a passion for goal setting, self motivation and entrepreneurship. He has written the book, "Invest In Yourself: How Passion and Persistence Leads to Success"

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