What is Data Visualization?

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Data visualization tools can helprepparttar entrepreneur to present products on their website in a creative and informative way. Data visualization has been picked up by state and national government agencies to provide helpful information torepparttar 140003 public. Airlines take advantage of data visualization to be more accommodating. Businesses take advantage of data visualization for tracking and reporting. Children use data visualization tools onrepparttar 140004 home computer to fulfill research assignments or to satisfy their curiosity about exotic places ofrepparttar 140005 world.

Wherever you go, data visualization will be there. Whatever you need, data visualization can present answers in a helpful way.

Data Visualization is Comprehensive

Each of us have looked up information online and found less than helpful presentation formats which have a way of either presenting simple information in a complex way or presenting complex information in an even more complex way. Each of us at one time or another has wished that that website had a more user friendly way of presenting information.

Information isrepparttar 140006 language ofrepparttar 140007 21st century, which means everyone is sending it, and everyone is searching it. Data visualization can make bothrepparttar 140008 senders andrepparttar 140009 searchers happy by creating a simple medium for providing often complex information.

Joe Miller is a specialist in online advertising. More information on data visualization tool, visit .

FileNet and Other Collaborative Solutions

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Digital Thread takesrepparttar idea of document tracking even further by inserting meta tags ofrepparttar 140002 most commonly used electronic business applications, such asrepparttar 140003 Microsoft Office applications and e-mail. This data allowsrepparttar 140004 document to be tracked through all of its changes, regardless of where it’s stored in e-mail or your hard drive, even when it is sent to a non-user. It literally threads all ofrepparttar 140005 drafts together.

Other additional document management technologies by NextPage include Digital Signature and Version History. The Digital Signature shows information aboutrepparttar 140006 document versions along each step ofrepparttar 140007 way by displaying a brief history ofrepparttar 140008 document each time it is e-mailed. A little signature atrepparttar 140009 bottom ofrepparttar 140010 e-mail which informsrepparttar 140011 user whererepparttar 140012 document is inrepparttar 140013 editorial process, who hasrepparttar 140014 original, when it was last altered, and how is was last changed. This saves a lot of time, keeping track ofrepparttar 140015 order of your document versions.

All ofrepparttar 140016 puzzle pieces are placed together with Version History, displaying a virtual family tree ofrepparttar 140017 document in a flowchart. Everything comes together with these new tools, saving time, energy, money, and sanity.

Luckily,repparttar 140018 search for software to sort, track, and merge document drafts is now available. It will take some searching to sift through so many applications. Try searching some ofrepparttar 140019 newer technologies mentioned above to narrow downrepparttar 140020 search.

Joe Miller is specialist in online advertising. For more information on collaboration software, please visit NextPage.com.

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