What is DVD Audio?

Written by Kenny Hemphill

Continued from page 1
space can be used to provide audio atrepparttar highest possible quality or for longer recordings, or to provide additional material, such as infromation onrepparttar 110050 artist, photos and even video, all of which can be displaye don a television screen. Alternatively, DVD Audio discs currently onrepparttar 110051 market fromrepparttar 110052 likes ofrepparttar 110053 Warner group of labels haverepparttar 110054 audio content in both DVD Audio format and as Dolby Digital surround so that they can be played back on regular DVD players.

DVD Audio discs are navigable inrepparttar 110055 same way as DVD Video when polayed back on a player connected to a TV set. Users can selectrepparttar 110056 required track from an on-screen menu and with an internet connection, can click on links to go to websites.

These dual format discs are a good way to kick-startrepparttar 110057 market while DVD Audio players are still relativley rare. The market will also be helped by combined DVD Video and Audio players.

Kenny Hemphill is the editor and publisher of The HDTV Tuner

Buying a Home Theater Receiver

Written by Kenny Hemphill

Continued from page 1

You should also consider whether you want to route all your video sources such as TV, DVD player, and games console through your receiver. Doing so means you can switch between sources from one controller, very easily. But if you want to do this you'll need to make surerepparttar receiver you're interested in has enough video inputs. These could be S-Video or component inputs are best, or if you're in Europe, Scart. You should also make surerepparttar 110049 video output fromrepparttar 110050 receiver is of high quality, so again, it should be S-Video, component or Scart.

If you can test a receiver before you buy, its worth comparingrepparttar 110051 quality of a video signal from a DVD player when its connected directly to a display and comparing it with when its connected viarepparttar 110052 receiver. There shouldn't be any noticeable difference in quality.

The power rating ofrepparttar 110053 amplifier is also important. The biggerrepparttar 110054 room you have for your home theater,repparttar 110055 more power you'll need. And makes sure thatrepparttar 110056 power rating is quoted in Watts per channel -repparttar 110057 last thing you want is to get home with your 100Watt receiver and discover that its power is split between eight speakers in you 7.1 set-up. It's impossible to specify how powerful your amplifier should be, but if your home theater is in a reasonable-sized room, as opposed to an aircraft hanger, 100Watts per channel should be fine.

Finally, don't forgetrepparttar 110058 remote control. It'srepparttar 110059 key interface between you andrepparttar 110060 reciever and you'll spend a lot of time using it. So make sure it's comfortable and straightforward to use. The last thing you want is to have to spend ages wading through on-screen menus to get what you want.

Kenny Hemphill is the editor and publisher of The HDTV Tuner

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