What a Parent Must Do to Stop Online Predators

Written by Alexandra Gamanenko

Continued from page 1

Parents should talk to their children about online dangers. Moms and Dads must encourage their sons and daughters tell them about their online acquaintances, without fear of being scolded of punished.

But should parents use monitoring software? It's a difficult question. Software for parental control is a useful tool, only if applied right.

My opinion is that monitoring software is "strong medicine". Like any medicine, it has its own side effects that can be worse thanrepparttar disease. Any medicine, if overused, can do harm. Computer monitoring isrepparttar 135922 last resort, when allrepparttar 135923 other means are exhausted. Don't do it just because you think you should.

Using monitoring software will be appropriate if you feel you are losing control ofrepparttar 135924 situation, or have lost it already.

For example, your teenage son or daughter seems to be completely withdrawn from family.

You don't know his/her friends well enough--maybe you even haven't seen them and doubt whether they exist at all. You have no idea whom he/she is chatting with. Your teenager receives phone calls from people you don't know or is making long-distance calls to numbers you don't recognize. Your son or daughter gets letters, gifts or packages from people you haven't heard about.

Every day he/she spends hours onrepparttar 135925 computer, especially at night. when you enterrepparttar 135926 room he/she changesrepparttar 135927 screen. Maybe you found pornography on your child's computer. If your child uses an online account that belongs to someone else, you also should be alarmed.

Don't keeprepparttar 135928 computer in your child's bedroom. In fact, nearly three-quarters of home computers are located in a place like living room, according torepparttar 135929 survey. A wise thing to do. If your child usesrepparttar 135930 Internet in a living room, it is easier to watch what he or she is doing online.

And, of course, there is a great variety of monitoring software products. Their purposes may vary from simply recordingrepparttar 135931 timerepparttar 135932 computer is on/off to logging every keystroke your kid makes. Use one of them if you are sure it is absolutely necessary. But remember that your kid might be more technically savvy than you. Lots of them can erase their traces.

At any case, you must let your kid know you care for his or her safety -- both offline and online.

Alexandra Gamanenko currently works at Raytown Corporation, LLC -- an independent monitoring and anti-monitoring software developing company that provides various solutions for information security. Learn more -- visit the company's website www.softsecurity.com

Colic Baby Bootcamp - Parent Survival Tips

Written by Cherie Stirewalt

Continued from page 1
6.Call friends or family onrepparttar telephone. Don’t bottle up your frustration. Let it out. Complain to your hearts content. Your friends and family will understand and you will feel better. 7.Do something therapeutic with your hands. Paint your fingernails, color in a coloring book, do some housework. Anything that diverts your attention away fromrepparttar 135890 crying and towards something constructive. 8.Vacuum. The vacuum cleaner will drown outrepparttar 135891 screams coming fromrepparttar 135892 baby. Also,repparttar 135893 frequency of white noise output by a vacuum is particularly effective in calming a colicky baby. 9.Surfrepparttar 135894 internet. Look up ways to calm a colic baby! 10.Keep telling yourselfrepparttar 135895 colic will eventually go away. Take it day by day and know there IS a light atrepparttar 135896 end ofrepparttar 135897 tunnel. Colic does not last forever!

Remember, you are not an incompetent parent if you’ve done everything possible to relieve your baby’s colic and you need to step away fromrepparttar 135898 situation for a while. This simply makes you human.

Cherie is a colic baby survivor and writes colic-related articles for her website Colic-Baby-Bootcamp.com.

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