What You See is What You Get Written by Glen Hopkins
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“Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7 So practice focusing on positive thoughts and learn to ask yourself effective questions that will lead to constructive answers. If you look hard enough, there will always be a positive side to every situation. And for challenges you must face in life, focus on solution, not problem. If you focus on problem at hand, you will never find solution. Focus on your dreams and they will become a reality. Ask yourself “How can I reach my dream?” Don’t be surprised when your brain gives you answer! - Glen Hopkins This article may be reprinted with following attachment: Copyright (c) 1999 Glen Hopkins ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glen Hopkins, owns Motivational-Messages.com, your Free resource for daily motivation and inspiration, including quotes, tips, and stories to help you lead a successful life. To join Free mailing list, send an e-mail to http://www.listopt.com/sp/free-newsletters.html or visithttp://www.motivational-messages.com/ today! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Glen Hopkins, owns Motivational-Messages.com, your Free resource for daily motivation and inspiration, including quotes, tips, and stories to help you lead a successful life. Visit http://www.motivational-messages.com today!
| | FEAR – Don’t Let it Control You!Written by Glen Hopkins
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The more difficult your definition of success is to attain, more fear you will attach to it. Don’t let your own definitions limit you. Or even worse, definitions of others. Create your own definitions to make it harder to feel like a failure and easier to feel like a success. That way you will attach less fear to what you want in life. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Image what you can do in your life with that type of belief system. Try thinking of every ‘failure’ as a success. That is, every time you ‘fail’ at something, you have really succeeded because you have learned what does not work. Therefore, you are closer to succeeding next time you try. Remember that past does not equal future. Yesterday’s failure does not equal your future outcomes. Just because you may have failed yesterday, or even five minutes ago, it doesn’t mean you are going to fail again. Just learn from what you did wrong and change your approach. Don’t fear past. The past is what has taught you how to succeed in future. Be fearless! - Glen Hopkins This article may be reprinted with following attachment: Copyright (c) 1999 Glen Hopkins ----------------------------------------------------------------- Glen Hopkins, owns Motivational-Messages.com, your Free resource for daily motivation and inspiration, including quotes, tips, and stories to help you lead a successful life. To join Free mailing visithttp://www.motivational-messages.com/ today! -----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------- Glen Hopkins, owns Motivational-Messages.com, your Free resource for daily motivation and inspiration, including quotes, tips, and stories to help you lead a successful life. To join the Free mailing visithttp://www.motivational-messages.com/ today! -----------------------------------------------------------------