What You MUST Know If You're Taking a Cruise

Written by Susan Dunn, Personal and Professional Development Coach

Continued from page 1

The Captain’s Cocktail Party or Reception is another chance to dress, mix and mingle if you like. It is also completely optional. Dress is generally dark suits for men, and cocktail dresses for ladies.

It’s slippery on deck, so bring some good gripping shoes. Don’t try and break in a new pair of shoes on your vacation. Some excursions require a lot of walking, and so does getting around onrepparttar ship.

Day wear is resort casual. No need to spend a fortune on clothes unless you want to. Some cruise lines provide bathrobes, or bring your own for poolside and dining in buffet.

If you get a sunburn, or if you want protection, bring along a light shirt with long sleeves.

Hot tubs often contain enough bromide to bleach out your bathing suit and also relaxrepparttar 101667 elastic. Bring an old suit, or an inexpensive one if you plan to sit inrepparttar 101668 hot tub a lot.


Between airline, dock and ship, it’s unrealistic to assume nothing will happen to your luggage. Common sense would dictate buyingrepparttar 101669 most sturdy and least expensive baggage you can find, i.e., don’t give a crystal goblet to a toddler and then be “surprised” it gets broken.


They want to sell photos! Photographers are operating nightly, with various backgrounds (including traditional), black and white as well as color. They are pleased to photograph you as many times, in as many ways, as you like. If you’re in need of a new professional head shot, bring along your suit.


You don’t have to gain 20 lbs. unless you want to. Cruises offer tracks, workout rooms, exercise programs, dancing, lite menus, low-calorie menu options, low-fat desserts, salad bars, and plenty of active excursions ashore, including just plain vigorous walking.

You can also dorepparttar 101670 thing you do at home to effortlessly increase your activity level. Takerepparttar 101671 stairs instnead of usingrepparttar 101672 elevators. Get up and get your own drinks. Offer to get people seconds atrepparttar 101673 buffet. Volunteer to go back torepparttar 101674 room for forgotten items.

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Coaching, distance learning courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your personal and professional development. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for free ezine. Susan is the author of “How to Get to Present on a Cruise,” http://www.webstrategies.cc/acruise.html . Become a certified EQ coach. Start tomorrow, no residence requirement.

Top 10 Ways to Bear Market Proof Your Relationships

Written by Pat Swan, MS, Life and Relationship Coach

Continued from page 1

If you are married, especially if you have children,repparttar relationship becomes more than one investment. It becomes a complete portfolio. Identify and appreciaterepparttar 101666 investments that bring in returns. Identify asset drains and find solutions. Don’t stick your head inrepparttar 101667 sand and hope your portfolio will fix itself. Don’t wait until you lose all your assets. If you need help, get it.


To build a successful relationship portfolio, begin to invest emotional capital immediately.


Continue daily. Invest in relationship skills education. Make frequent emotional investments including affection, support, fun and laughter. Don’t just invest whenrepparttar 101668 market is up and things go well. Invest whenrepparttar 101669 market slips a bit, whenrepparttar 101670 relationship feels distant, or one of you experiences a bad day.


If you takerepparttar 101671 time to choose a life partner wisely, your relationship portfolio should bring in returns and prove solid overrepparttar 101672 long haul. You will choose a life partner who shares your values, hopes and dreams. You will not feel pressure to compromise your values or desires or spend hours fighting over deal-breakers.


Keep an eye on your portfolio and make adjustments when needed. 10.DON’T GET DISTRACTED BY NEW OPTIONS THAT PROMIST SHORT-TERM REWARDS.

Learn to weatherrepparttar 101673 ups and downs and stick with a good investment forrepparttar 101674 long-term.

You lose vast amounts of emotional and financial capital when you do not choose wisely inrepparttar 101675 first place.

You may not controlrepparttar 101676 markets. But you can manage your personal and financial investments. Apply these five rules and create a strong relationship portfolio that pays dividends in a “Bull Market” and in a “Bear Market.”

©Pat Swan, M.S., Life and Relationship Coach, http://www.RelationshipSkillville.com . Pat is a speaker, coach, and author of “Watch Out! Your Relationships Can Be Hazardous to Your Health,” available at http:// www.StopRelationshipStress.com . Stop relationship stress and discover secret remedies for better health. Mailto:pat@patswan.com . PH: 262-642-5706.

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