What YOU should know before starting a web site!

Written by ©2005 Samantha Olea , http://getwrappedup.com

Continued from page 1
4.How long will it take to design my site? There are a lot of different factors that determine just how long a site takes to be completed, including you. If you take longer to get your information (or your words for each page and pictures) it will of course take longer for your site to be up and running. Also,repparttar more complicated your site,repparttar 108669 longer it can take-though I’ve not seen a site construction take longer than 8 weeks. To speedrepparttar 108670 design process, have a clear idea of what it is you want ahead of time. Make lists, and write out your ‘blurbs’ (text) for each page. Your text is your responsibility, and a lot of designers will not consider creating it for you with out charging you for creative writing (which can cost $35-75 per hour). I only suggest leavingrepparttar 108671 creative writing up to someone else if you are positive that you simply can not do it. If your designer does not offer writing as a service (ask), you can hire a creative writer online and sometimes you can even barter (trade your products for their services) with creative writers looking to build their portfolio. One other way that you can speed uprepparttar 108672 design process is to make sure you and your designer are onrepparttar 108673 same page as far as design. You do not want to keep changing your design idea, especially after they have started working. A lot of work goes into web site design, and so what seems like a minor change inrepparttar 108674 design plans to you may actually be a major change inrepparttar 108675 overall design, and some designers will charge you for this because your initial quote is based on their expected design hours. I wouldn’t suggest doubling it out ofrepparttar 108676 blue. 5.How long beforerepparttar 108677 public discovers my site? They won’t. What I mean by that is, there is more to getting people to your site than just putting it onrepparttar 108678 web. Like any other store, you have to market your site. One great tool is search engines. Now, how do you get listed on search engines? You want to give your designer a two sentence description for each category or page, and a list of 20 words you think some one would use to find your site for each category. Your designer may be willing to do some of this for you, so ask. Also, there are some search engine submission services out there that are great, and there are some that aren’t. I suggest you ask your designer if they submit your site to search engines automatically or if there is a small fee for this? Is their submission once or repeated over a period of time? Simply submitting will not guarantee you top spot onrepparttar 108679 search engines; especially if you are in an already crowded field-even if you payrepparttar 108680 $300 fees some search engines charge. You can also market your site by puttingrepparttar 108681 web site address on everything-return address labels, business cards, t-shirts, your car, your email signature; put it in your signature on message boards, etc. There are many ways to getrepparttar 108682 word out, but don’t think for one second that just because you built it, they will come-this is by farrepparttar 108683 biggest misconception in web site building! 6.Who will update my site inrepparttar 108684 future? Most designers have policies about updates, from a monthly update fee only forrepparttar 108685 months you require updates, to an hourly fee per update. Talk to your designer, and make sure that they understand not only how often you expect to need updates, butrepparttar 108686 nature of your updates. If it is something like switching a picture, or changing a phone number, there may be no charge so ask.

After answering these questions, you are ready to talk to your designer aboutrepparttar 108687 fun stuff-the design. Write down a list of sites that possessrepparttar 108688 feel orrepparttar 108689 style that you are looking for so your designer can get a better picture of your ultimate goal, andrepparttar 108690 two of you go from there!

Samantha Olea is the owner and designer for http://GetWrappedUp.com –All Wrapped Up Business Solutions. She specializes in visual design and web design for the small to large businesses. Not a tied to a particular style of design, Samantha Olea is able to create your vision and really make it your own. To discuss your site, contact her at designs@getwrappedup.com today.

How To Survive With Your Online Business

Written by Jordan Williams

Continued from page 1

2) Add More Value To Your Product or Service

There are so many websites offeringrepparttar same thing inrepparttar 108668 same cookie cutter fashion that you really need to set yourself apart fromrepparttar 108669 crowd and be unique. Just gorepparttar 108670 extra mile and increaserepparttar 108671 value of your product or service. It really doesn’t even have to be that hard. Just take some extra time to offer something that your competitors aren’t willing to offer.

For example if you sell ebooks, why not offer your customersrepparttar 108672 option of receiving it as a physical product. Such as in a DVD, CD, CD-R, or even Audio Format. By making your ebook a physical product you will drastically improverepparttar 108673 value and you can also charge more for it. This idea is not just for people who sell ebooks though. You can add value to just about any product or service that you have. For example, why not make some joint ventures and offer a huge discount for a service or product that compliments what your offering. I’m sure that if you put some thought into it, you can think of something yourself.

3) Maximize Your Web Sites Profit Potential

Most people are so focused on making money with their own product that they often forget about other income streams that they can profit from on their website. For example, have you thought about publishing ads on your site? I’m sure that you have noticed that allrepparttar 108674 big websites onrepparttar 108675 Net publish ads, but even small websites can easily increase their revenue by 20 or 30 percent by publishing ads on their site. It’s not hard to implement either. Usually you just copy and paste a code to your website and you can start delivering targeted ads to your visitors within a few minutes.

How about exit strategies? Are you making any money fromrepparttar 108676 people leaving your site? Its just a fact of life that eventually everyone leaves your website. Why not add an exit popup to your site that directs them to an affiliate program or even better a web page where they can opt in to your email list. Also a lot of people just want to find what they’re looking for quickly without any hassles. So why not add a search box to your site where people can instantly find what they’re looking for by typing in a word. There are several sites that you can earn money by placing a search box on your site.

I know that these suggestions might seem obvious but if you actually utilize everything I talked about here you will be ahead of 90% ofrepparttar 108677 websites out there.

Jordan Williams, Owner of www.WebCashLink.com. Giving you the resources, software, and tools to maximize your online profits. WebCashLink.com

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