What Will WE Do?Written by Robert Bruce Baird
Continued from page 1 I once went to a sales seminar or convention where 'hype artists' seeking more members in their 'downlines' of a multi-level marketing program, were touting successes of their 'pig farmers' and everyday 'Joes' who had made their millions. Confidence was high as people enthralled with diamond rings saw that they too could 'do it'. After all it was true they were great salesmen when they sold their 'mate' on themself. They had overcome their 'fear of rejection' and 'popped big question'. They had committed themselves to a program and were still following straight and narrow. This kind of 'success' has been raised to a level of immense worship and it isn't just 'soap salesman' or doctor who has bought ideal. At age of thirty I had it all, Mercedes, house on hill, and all kinds of amusements to enjoy. It was arguably worst time of my life. Trust was hard to find, among journalists who wrote great stories about me or people who read what was written (full of half-truths and embellishments). I was where I had wanted to be, financially. It was void of reality! Here is a little quote that might relate. “In dialectic between nature and socially constructed world, human organism is transformed. In this dialectic man produces reality and thereby produces himself --Berger Luckman, The Social Creation of Reality.” Another tool of sales or politics in all its ingenious Machiavellian forms is 'K.I.S.S.'. 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' and don't 'ASSUME' anything that will get in way of all important sale. The military is a prime example of organized behavior that sells a terrible bill of goods - with no GOOD - at all! Invariably it comes down to appealing to ego and manipulating hedonistic peer pressure or 'group think'. WE don't need 'followers' (or 'sheep' in some kind of 'flock'); we NEED 'thinkers' who know soul and its collective nature. We know diminishment of one reduces potential of ALL! Therefore this book will not hesitate to raise questions we have no clear and definitive or closed-minded perception about. We are not trying to interpret GOD for you - we know we are mere amazed gazers witnessing majesty of something far greater. The result will enable our critics or enemies to ridicule us and demean our perspectives as 'absurd'. For myself, I've often said 'The only thing I'm prejudiced about - is PREJUDICE!' I still abjure and despise such elitist empowerment of divisiveness between lifeforms. There is no room for a closed 'mind' (certainly 'soul') in LOVE, or any true pursuit of GOD (nature, reality). The explosion of scientific confirmations of mystical or once 'hidden' (occult) knowledge in last few years must make even thickest or densest denizen of society pause: PAUSE to reflect on grandeur of chaos and creative nature of reality. Neurophysiology and chakras through MRI, nanotubes or nanotechnology, cloning or robots to put your memory (1999 saw Stanford 'dump' a whole human brain onto a computer chip) into. Which form of immortality is better than what has always existed in your soul? Extreme people rather than extreme potential, can we accentuate Love and abundance? Heaven on earth might be our choice; if we can develop second option. Are you 'with 'em, or agin 'em?' If you are against forces of survival of fittest, and for an inclusive potentiation of all that is (in universe); then you will do more than LOVE your enemy. You will not fight for your physical beingness or pleasurable 'rights'. This is no mere pacifism, we espouse - it is fulfillment of a purpose beyond more EGO! When Incas refused to raise their arms to defend their lives against arm-weary Spanish who hacked them to death (to kill 7,000 - in one day) were they operating in 'RIGHT THOUGHT'? Were they more 'civilized' or simply heathen believers who were duped by some astrological stupidity? We think 177 Spanish were allowed to do this by wiser people who knew immortal soul and our part in a grander scheme of things. But it might also be a case of Chachapoyas (white men who led Incas) making a deal with Spanish and allowing this to happen; then they were betrayed. I propose they were willing to courageously face forces of Evil and greedy religious oppressors; much as Cathars who sang hymns while walking hand in hand with their children into fires set for them by Dominican Catholics. We are similarly STUPID! Because we know we are like a grain of sand on John Donne's beach; and we know 'for whom Bell TOLLS!'
This is the forward to one volume of my Encyclopedia which is available at World-Mysteries.com. Columnist at The ES Press Magazine Author of Diverse Druids
| | Russia and ChechnyaWritten by Furqan Shaikh
Continued from page 1
As for terrorism, let us consider recent Western media reports that Mr Mikhaylov has urged us to consider. In regard to alleged terrorism committed by Chechnya rebels on Russian soil, most famous of which was apartment building bombings, recent confirmed reports point towards a direct link to Russian intelligence agencies. It is yet to be seen whether this link was just in regard to facilitating or masterminding these acts. But all said and done, once again I thank him for his kind comments on development of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Russia.
im blengs to noble family shaikh's and now im studing in karachi universiy dept. of compuetr science