What To Expect from Adverting

Written by Kara Kelso

Continued from page 1

~ Exposure

In addition to advertising, you should also network and contribute to message boards. The more times you and your site are seen, andrepparttar more trusted you are,repparttar 100889 better your sales will be.

There are many more tips for gaining vistors and exposure, these are just two benifits you should expect from advertising.

About the author: Kara Kelso is a work at home mom of two, and the co-owner of MHMM Ezine, which is an informational newsletter just for moms in business. Recieve business tips, parenting tips, and more when you subscribe at: http://www.momsezine.com/mhmm.html

Push vs. Pull Advertising

Written by Henry Coleman

Continued from page 1

It all comes down torepparttar fact that as much as we would like to think so, people don't really need $50 Austrian crystal wine glasses. There are simply too many product and vendor substitutes to commandrepparttar 100888 purchase of even avid wine drinkers.

Pull advertising, onrepparttar 100889 other hand, has been extremely effective at acquiring profitable traffic. When someone does a search online for terms such as “wine decanters” we have found that these people are ready and willing to spend moneyrepparttar 100890 very first time they visit our site.

If you are fortunate enough to sell a product or service that falls intorepparttar 100891 ‘need’ or ‘unique’ category you may be able to take advantage of all ofrepparttar 100892 push and pull media outlets available to your industry. Your job will be to simply find which advertising channels offer yourepparttar 100893 best return on investment.

Be realistic and objective about your product. In order for small company push marketing to be effective you must be selling either a universally desired or a truly unique product.

Is your product or service so desired or unique that by simply introducing it to your audience you will be able to acquire a sale? If not, you should work to maximize your exposure in every single pull advertising vehicle. You may grow a little slower than you would prefer, but slow profitable growth is always better than going out of business while waiting for an ad campaign to pay off.

Henry Coleman is an experienced entrepreneur and the primary author of Lessons From The Front - A Practical Guide to Starting & Growing Your Internet Business. Visit http://lessonsfromthefront.com to get an inside look at how you can build a real business from the ground up.

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