What To Consider Before Having Botox Injections

Written by Kelly Altodona

Continued from page 1

Botox cannot be injected into some lines aroundrepparttar mouth onrepparttar 142396 upper lip or intorepparttar 142397 lower frown lines aroundrepparttar 142398 chin. This is because botox injections can paralyzerepparttar 142399 face for up to six months in these areas which are calledrepparttar 142400 perioral area. If a practictioner tells you that it is safe to inject botox intorepparttar 142401 area aboverepparttar 142402 upper lip you are probably not dealing with a professional.

You should also be advised that people have died inrepparttar 142403 past as a result of a fatal allergic reaction to a botox injection. If you are allergic to lidocaine then you are probably going to be allergic to botox.

Another concern you might have about botox injections might berepparttar 142404 cost. Most insurance companies do not cover costs associated with cosmetic surgery, sorepparttar 142405 expenses come out of your pocket. Unfortunately it is tempting for many of us put our need to sip fromrepparttar 142406 eternal fountain of youth rather than take care of necessities. The effects of Botox injections are so impressive that many people findrepparttar 142407 treatments addictive. For this reason if you have an addictive personality, botox injections are probably not for you.

******* (c) 2005 Kelly Altodona - All Rights Reserved

Kelly Altodona is a cosmetic surgery freelance author.

http://www.CosmeticSurgeryLinks.com *******

Health Secrets of Cayenne

Written by Ted Collins

Continued from page 1
sinuses. As medicine and overall research has advanced, we have discovered Cayenne is high in Vitamins A, C, and B complexes. The rich organic calcium and potassium content is one ofrepparttar core reasons it’s good forrepparttar 142395 heart. The digestive system benefits from Cayenne just asrepparttar 142396 heart does. Researchers have found that it can rebuildrepparttar 142397 tissue inrepparttar 142398 stomach andrepparttar 142399 peristaltic action withinrepparttar 142400 intestines. It also assistsrepparttar 142401 body in creating hydrochloric acid which is critical for proper digestive functionality. The reason this is so important is that now we realizerepparttar 142402 digestive system plays a most valuable role inrepparttar 142403 core emotional, mental, and physical health. Our brain, glands, muscles, and every all other parts ofrepparttar 142404 body are fed throughrepparttar 142405 digestive system.

As you can see, other than a great tasting spice in your favorite Indian, Oriental, and Mexican dishes, Cayenne promotes overall total body health as well. Ask your doctor if you should incorporate Cayenne in your daily diet.

Ted is an accomplished Marketer with more than 12 years of Market Research, Trends, and Lifecycle Product Development experience in the telecommunication industry. He holds a BBA in Marketing from Kennesaw State University. He is currently the President of Business Consultants Group, Inc.

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