What SPAM Means: "Stupid People Annoying Me"

Written by Darren Miller

Continued from page 1


Well, there are quite a few ways, but one ofrepparttar ways spammers get hold of your e-mail address is literally by guessing. For instance, say your e-mail address is part ofrepparttar 139543 domain "-notrealdomain-.com", and your e-mail address is "me@-notrealdomain-.com",repparttar 139544 spammers have programs that will generate thousands of combinations of names / domains i.e. "me@-notrealdomain-.com", "you@-notrealdomain-.com", "them@-notrealdomain-.com" hoping that somewhere alongrepparttar 139545 linerepparttar 139546 target e-mail address exists. It's really not difficult to do, since a computer can do this over and over again. If you receive one of these e-mails and reply to it, you have just informedrepparttar 139547 sender that they did indeed find a live address. It's all downhill from there.

Spoofing E-mail Addresses


Another interesting tactic is to send someone an e-mail and make it appear as if it came from your address. Have you ever received an e-mail from someone you don't know and don't have in you contact list asking you to stop sending them unsolicited e-mails? Many people experience this problem. Basically,repparttar 139548 spammer maderepparttar 139549 recipient ofrepparttar 139550 spam think you sent it to them. This is called e-mail spoofing and is relatively easy to do. The spammers use mail servers that allow something called "mail relay." This allows them to send e-mails from any source address (even yours) to any target address.



A few things to keep in mind when dealing with unsolicited e-mails and spam:

If you are starting to receive SPAM in alternate languages, check your e-mail client forrepparttar 139551 ability to filter / block SPAM by specifying language types.

If you only speak English, and don't expect to receive e-mail in German, then block it;

If your SPAM filter downloads data from your vendor for known SPAM sites make sure to perform and schedulerepparttar 139552 download to happen frequently;

If you receive e-mail or spam from someone you don't know, do not respond to it, just delete it;

If someone informs you that they are receiving spam from your e-mail address, inform them that it was not sent by you and most likely came from a spammer who spoofed your address. Tell them to just delete it;

Never give out your e-mail address unless you are surerepparttar 139553 site or organization will be responsible for it's privacy;

If you are going to sign up for something like a news article or other information, read their privacy statement, agreement, and disclaimer before doing so; And

Reviewrepparttar 139554 entire privacy statement to make sure there are no check boxes or radio buttons on by default. You never know what you are agreeing to.

These are just a few ofrepparttar 139555 things you can do to help prevent SPAM from becoming a huge burden. You will most likely not be able to prevent all SPAM from getting to your inbox, but you sure can decreaserepparttar 139556 number.

About The Author


Darren Miller is an Information Security Consultant with over sixteen years experience. He has written many technology & security articles, some of which have been published in nationally circulated magazines & periodicals. Darren is a staff writer for www.defendingthenet.com

Delivering Your Email Newsletter

Written by Robert F. Abbott

Continued from page 1

Of course, it’s much easier to have someone else dorepparttar mailing for you, and that’s where we’re going next, since few of us haverepparttar 139147 expertise or time to do it ourselves.

Full service providers take care of all, or almost allrepparttar 139148 work for you. You fill in a few forms, make a few choices, and then they take over and dorepparttar 139149 rest. Those duties include adding and removing names, sendingrepparttar 139150 mail, and handling mail that can’t be delivered (expect as many as 5% of messages to ‘bounce’ back after each mailing, once your list begins to grow).

So, if you’ve decided to use a full service provider, you next have to decide whether to use a free service or pay-for-service provider. Again, free generally works well when your list is small, and grows more problematic asrepparttar 139151 number of subscribers increases.

Free services offer many ofrepparttar 139152 same services asrepparttar 139153 commercial services, but don’t charge a fee. The catch? They place an ad in your e-mail newsletter. If you sell advertisingrepparttar 139154 free service takes away a revenue spot. Or they restrictrepparttar 139155 number of subscribers orrepparttar 139156 number of mailouts. Services I’ve used include Topica, MailerMailer, and atrepparttar 139157 moment, I use ResponseBot. Again, you can find other services by using a search engine or directory.

One ofrepparttar 139158 great advantages of using free services isrepparttar 139159 opportunity to try out different services before making a commitment. Test drive each one for a few issues to find out whether or not you like it, then make your choice.

Summing up, finding your way throughrepparttar 139160 delivery choices can be a big job. But, be grateful forrepparttar 139161 choices, and use free versions to find out which works best for you.

Robert F. Abbott,repparttar 139162 author of A Manager’s Guide to Newsletters: Communicating for Results, writes and publishes Abbott’s Communication Letter. Read more articles about Internet communication, as well as email and printed newsletters at: http://www.communication-newsletter.com/ic.html

Robert F. Abbott, the author of A Manager’s Guide to Newsletters: Communicating for Results, writes and publishes Abbott’s Communication Letter. Read more articles about Internet communication, as well as email and printed newsletters at: http://www.communication-newsletter.com/ic.html

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