What Parents Should Do For Children To Do Their Best After Divorce?

Written by Ruben Francia

Continued from page 1

· Maintain consistent routines. Children feel more secure when there is a standard routine. At times, some parenting issues require communication and coordination between parents, ifrepparttar child spends time with both parents. Both parents don't have to do things exactlyrepparttar 110833 same way, but it is easier for children if most things are similar at each home. · Set limits and rules clearly, and enforces them. But within these limits do allow leeway for your children to be children.

4. Continue to hold reasonably high expectations forrepparttar 110834 children, regardless of trying circumstances.

Help your children have positive feelings about themselves. Children who feel good about them usually succeed. They seem to get better grades in school, they are better at taking on hard jobs, and they try their best. Also, they tend to make better friends because they seem surer of themselves. As parents, you can play an important role in helping children have positive feelings about themselves. Here are some ways you can help your children to feel good about them.

· Help them learn to set realistic and reachable goals so they can regularly achieve success. Praise them for success. · Give your children responsibility so that they feel useful, and valued. Asking nothing of them implies that you think they are not capable of doing a job well, which is demeaning. · Encourage them to make decisions, and teach that they must accept responsibility for those decisions.

5. Shieldrepparttar 110835 children from their parental disagreements and resentments.

Stop fighting and work hard to get along with each other. Rumbles of discontent between parents leave children feeling insecure. It is therefore so important for you and your partner to try to agree on matters related to children and their needs. You can employ strategies such as:

· Be able to step back and keep your feelings about your ex-spouse separate from those you have about your children's parent. Many people make lousy husbands or wives, but they are terrific parents. · If you cannot be civil with your ex-spouse, then work out a plan and set up rules so that your child does not have to witness your wrath. Let your children feel with ease rather than going through a gauntlet of your venom for each other. · Get to work on resolving your feelings about your ex-spouse. That means if you can't get over this yourself, get some help. Other people are suffering besides you, and those other people are your children!

Certainly, some children still do best after divorce and separation. All their parents did were employing tested divorce parenting approaches that really work. You can raise healthy, happy and successful children even if you're divorced. Followrepparttar 110836 above approaches for your children sake.

Copyright by Ruben Francia. All Rights Reserved.

Publishing Rights: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long asrepparttar 110837 author's information and web link are included atrepparttar 110838 bottom ofrepparttar 110839 article. The web link should be active whenrepparttar 110840 article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. Minor edits and alterations are acceptable so long as they do not distort or changerepparttar 110841 content ofrepparttar 110842 article.

Ruben Francia is an author of an indispensable divorce parenting guide ebook, entitled "101 Ways To Raise Your 'Divorced' Children To Success". Discover the ways to raising healthy, happy and successful children even if you're on divorced. Visit his web site at http://www.101divorceparenting.com

Fall - A New Season - A New Decorating Scheme

Written by Bonnie P. Carrier

Continued from page 1

Hang a grapevine wreath adorned with colorful mums on your door, or how about usingrepparttar wreath as a centerpiece. Lay it inrepparttar 110832 middle of any table and place a ceramic or even real pumpkin inrepparttar 110833 middle.

Speaking of pumpkins, purchase a few (real or not) and spread them around your home both inside and out. Combine them with colorful gourds and apples in containers and they really look festive. Take a look around local discount and craft stores for artificial fruit.. The advantage to these is once this season has passed they can be packed away until needed again next year, so this makes for a very economical investment.

Scent is another indication ofrepparttar 110834 fall season. Candles and potpourri in fall fragrances like pumpkin; spiced apple or cider will make walking into your home a wonderful experience. Below are a couple of favorites of mine.

Potpourri - “Natures Own Potpourri”, located in Tennessee, I have used many different brands and this is by farrepparttar 110835 best. Some of my favorite scents are: Apple Tree, American Harvest & Country Retreat.

Candles – Village Candle Factory Store, located in Topsham Maine. I’ve been burning candles for many years and these are in my opinionrepparttar 110836 best. As forrepparttar 110837 smell, well all I can say is yummmmm. My favorites consist of: Crisp Apple, Spiced Pumpkin, Mulled Cider & Gingerbread.

How ever you decide to celebrate and decorate for fall, stay warm, get comfortable and settle in while you wait forrepparttar 110838 next season to visit.

This article is shareware.  Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid package as long asrepparttar 110839 entire article is left intact including this notice.  Copyright © 2004 bonnie carrier.

Bonnie P. Carrier is the creator of Savvy Home Decorating. She is the mother to two grown daughters and a very spoiled 4yr old Blue Merle Sheltie named Toby. Having been a homemaker for over 23yrs, has provided years of experience in budget decorating and organization. Stop by Savvy Home Decorating for ideas and tips on budget decorating: www.savvy-home-decorating.com

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