“What Makes An Entrepreneur?”

Written by Shannon Emmanuel

Continued from page 1

3)Patience. In this world of instant satisfaction, it can come as a mind-snapping shock that MOST success stories are not made overnight. It’s true that there are examples of individuals who put a few dollars into a business and became millionaires (or did they?) But you can be assured that a good business will take time to ‘saturate’ its market. It may be only days or weeks before you see something happen, but generally you need to expect a minimum of 6 months to a more often stated 2 years to see a reliable business take shape.

4)Positivity. Is it all sounding too hard by now? Remember, these qualities will Set You Apart! If success was really as easy as some like to advertise, than why are there so many people struggling to payrepparttar bills? Be Positive. If you haverepparttar 100351 entrepreneur spirit, you know you will eventually try something new, so why not keep going with what you have instead of wasting time? The rewards are there! It’s been said before, but I quote this anonymous source again: Surround yourself with positive people. I guarantee this makesrepparttar 100352 difference. If your enthusiasm is being drained, DO NOT share your thoughts or progress with those individuals. Save it for when you can gloat! 5)Past Experience. This goes back to perseverance. USE your past experiences. Never feel your investment of time or money was a waste. You cannot learn much for free these days, but these experiences will build your business on a solid foundation of knowledge, wisdom, practical experience and confidence. You will learn to trust your instincts more and more. You will spot a fraud, or at least know how to read betweenrepparttar 100353 lines of an offer that sounds too good to be true. Most importantly, your experience will enable you to adapt and your self-employment will be firmly fixed as your way of life from here on because of it!

I truly wish you success in your venture. In time we will all have great stories to share of our rise to self-employed FREEDOM. Inrepparttar 100354 mean time, keep going! You will succeed!

Shannon Emmanuel and her husband Cyprian, continue to find enjoyment and challenge in the venture to attain a self-employed status full-time. Find top quality resources for your home business at www.Affiliate-Start.com .

“Managing Your Time In A Home Business”

Written by Shannon Emmanuel

Continued from page 1

If you do not feelrepparttar need for a written list, at least have a goal for that day. As a work from home mother, I find that one or two main goals are all I need. And there are always emails to check, accounting, etc. forrepparttar 100350 slow times.

I also have a personal schedule forrepparttar 100351 week that itemizes my main tasks: writing an article, networking inrepparttar 100352 forums, checking on orders, etc. This gives me an easy to work from goal map. Although my work periods are broken up, I try to focus on one task a day through to completion.

“Going Up…..”

Once you have your main task ready to go, than try to follow it through torepparttar 100353 best of your ability. Not only will you be free to carry on with your day, but you will feel a sense of accomplishment. If your goal is extensive, for instance you’re training, researching or building on something, than break it down into smaller goals.

You will find that a concrete goal will give yourepparttar 100354 ability to get ‘caught up’ inrepparttar 100355 process. You had a starting point, you are driven towardsrepparttar 100356 finish. Withoutrepparttar 100357 enormity ofrepparttar 100358 full project lying in front of you, you will feel free to focus your attention, enjoyrepparttar 100359 process more and put quality time into it.

“Coming Down…”

Especially when you are working on a multi-step project, when you finish task forrepparttar 100360 day, try to slow yourself down by diverting time to some ofrepparttar 100361 smaller tasks; filing, correspondence, telephone calls etc.

If you follow this pattern regularly, you will not only find that bothrepparttar 100362 large andrepparttar 100363 small tasks get completed, but your ‘work day’ will come to a natural end and you will feel ready to separate it from your family life.

“Creating Balance”

As with everything, balance is key. Now that is easier said than done, so using this as a guide, find your own natural rhythm. Working with children will likely break this system up even further (I know!). If you are on your own, you may find it easier to plug on forrepparttar 100364 entire project even if it takes you intorepparttar 100365 night.

Whatever you do, remember your reasons for choosing to work at home. Based on your original reasons, you will find motivation to schedule a working life that benefits you and your familyrepparttar 100366 best.

Enjoy your Day!

Shannon and Cyprian help others reach their work from home goals on their site at http://www.Affiliate-Start.com. They run several online businesses while raising two young daughters.

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