"What Is Executive Presence?"

Written by Roberta Prescott

Continued from page 1
·Keep gestures subdued ·Be perfectly groomed and crisp 2. Develop an authoritative voice ·Use a low-pitched voice ·Place your voice down atrepparttar end of a sentence ·Speak with energy ·Eliminate a monotone and verbal distractions such as "um" and "basically" ·Slow down your speaking rate. Haverepparttar 103395 confidence to pause. 3. Avoid tentative language such as ·"I think ... "; "I guess ... "; "kind of ... "; "maybe ... " ·"I'm not sure if you'll like this, but ... " 4. Keep your message simple and clear ·Cut torepparttar 103396 chase ·Think first, then talk. Don't share your internal debate with others ·Talk big picture, not details 5. Connect with others ·Become aware of your effect on others by observing and responding to their body language ·Listen more than you talk. Let others know that you value their opinion ·Take advantage of "hallway conversations" to connect informally © Roberta Prescott You can freely reprint this article if you includerepparttar 103397 following resource box: "Roberta Prescott isrepparttar 103398 President of The Prescott Group, (http://www.theprescottgroup.com). Visitrepparttar 103399 site for more information about our communication services and programs."

Roberta Prescott is the President of The Prescott Group, an Executive Development firm, specializing in communication and presentation skills. Check our web page, http://www.theprescottgroup.com for information about our communication programs and services.

Consumer Directed Health Plans

Written by Michael Ertel

Continued from page 1

Althoughrepparttar advantages of HRAs and HSAs can be substantial, employers will want to do their homework prior to setting them up. Effective implementation will require a clear understanding ofrepparttar 103394 consumer directed healthcare plan that best fits your organization as well asrepparttar 103395 administrative requirements. Employee education will be essential. Companies will also need to look into howrepparttar 103396 creation of a HSA or HRA may affect their HIPAA medical privacy compliance requirements.

Just like most endeavors,repparttar 103397 successful implementation of a HSA or HRA will greatly depend on how much research your organization does onrepparttar 103398 pro’s and con’s of each alternative. The type of consumer directed health plan that best fits your company will depend on a combination of your corporate structure as well asrepparttar 103399 overall objectives of your group health insurance plan.

Although consumer directed healthcare plans are becoming very familiar to human resource managers and other benefit professionals, remember that your employees and their dependents will need a substantial amount of education and communication.

Michael Ertel is the founder of http://www.MedicalInsuranceNow.com which is a website that assists individuals and small business owners by providing side by side comparisons of health insurance alternatives.

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