What Is A Traffic Exchange?

Written by Stephanie Davies

Continued from page 1

But before you get discouraged, I do have good news for you! There are ways to get people to actually look at your site and pay attention to it! A few tips and tricks to use are:

1. Don't makerepparttar page long and filled with text. In fact, a great thing to do is to make a splash page that catches their attention, with a "bookmark me" and "enter here" link. With only a 10-30 second window to catch someone's eye, you have to be loud, bold, and fast! Use obnoxiously bright colors, get straight torepparttar 143428 point, and offer a fast easy way for them to bookmark you or open your site in a new window so it doesn't interrupt their surfing. That is why is it a good idea to make a seperate page that you use only for exchanges.

2. Offer something that they want that they will see and stay for. Free samples, free ebooks, and especially free advertising. Anything that you can give them that will give them an incentive to take a second look at your site.

3. Get rid ofrepparttar 143429 popups. Most exchanges won't allow more than one popup window, if any. And when surfers hit a popup window, or anything else that interrupts their quest for credits, it merely annoys them and makes them want to leave your site faster.

It is possible to get visitors to your site, and signups for programs using traffic exchanges. However you have to think like a surfer in order to do so. You also have to be active inrepparttar 143430 exchange. Obviously,repparttar 143431 more people surfing,repparttar 143432 morerepparttar 143433 exchange works.

So where can you find a good traffic exchange? I am about to give you several links torepparttar 143434 ones that I have found to berepparttar 143435 best ofrepparttar 143436 best. I am personally a member of over 150 exchanges, and have a good idea of which ones are worth surfing. All I ask is that you please use my referral link given below.

http://www.trafficpods.com/index.jsp?ref=snlash http://www.nomorehits.com/cgi-bin/start.cgi?referrer=snlash http://trafficg.com/index.php?member=snlash http://www.trafficroundup.com/newuser.php?ref=snlash1 http://www.trafficswarm.com/go.cgi?370497 http://hitsafari.com/newuser.php?ref=snlash

With this information you can makerepparttar 143437 most of traffic exchanges, and get visitors and customers to your website. Happy surfing!

------------------------ Stephanie Davies is a 26 year old Missourian with 10 years of internet experience. She currently owns and operates 6 high profile websites as well as her own handmade incense company, Mystickal Incense & More at http://www.mystickalincense.com

Stephanie Davies is a 26 year old Missourian with 10 years of internet experience. She currently owns and operates 6 high profile websites as well as her own handmade incense company, Mystickal Incense & More at http://www.mystickalincense.com

Creating a Compelling Headline for Your Website's Homepage

Written by Juliet Austin

Continued from page 1

  • Speak to your client’s emotions. People typically make purchasing decisions based on their emotions so you want to be sure you illustrate to your potential clients and customers that you understand them andrepparttar feelings they are experiencing.
  • Your headline should be clear and torepparttar 143427 point. Your reader should understand your message instantly. Do not water down or convolute your message so thatrepparttar 143428 reader has to struggle to find it’s meaning. One second of struggle could mean that your visitor is gone torepparttar 143429 next site.
  • Writing attention-grabbing headlines can be challenging as there are many components to consider if they are to be successful.

    You might want to do some reading in this area or hire someone to help you create your headline. Your headline can make allrepparttar 143430 difference in determining whether your website is drawing, as opposed to repelling, potential clients and customers.

    © Juliet Austin, 2005

    Juliet Austin is a Marketing Coach, Consultant & Copywriter.

    Juliet can be reached at: http://www.julietaustin.com or through her marketing a private practice blog: http://www.marketingaprivatepractice.com

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