What If You Had Concentration Power?

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

After doing these brain exercises a few times, you'll find it becomes easier to recognise what is just belowrepparttar surface, irritating you and sapping your brain power and concentration. Do what works for you to set these mind irritations aside, and you will think more clearly.

Why Do You Want To Concentrate?

Here's a simple technique. Just honestly answerrepparttar 128683 above question. Often it's difficult to concentrate because you're bored. The cure for this is to stop and consider why it is important (if it is). Seerepparttar 128684 benefits clearly, and it will be easier to focus your mind. So why do you want to concentrate?

Remove Obvious Distractions

Stephen King happily writes with loud music on, so what distracts each of us, or doesn't, is obviously personal and somewhat unique. Whatever it is that takes your mind away fromrepparttar 128685 task at hand, do something about it. Turn offrepparttar 128686 television, feed your empty stomach, or turn your desk away fromrepparttar 128687 window.

Take care ofrepparttar 128688 external andrepparttar 128689 internal distractions, and you'll be able to focus your attention and brain power like a spotlight. That's worth a little effort, isn't it?

Steve Gillman has been studying brain improvement and related topics for years. You can find more on his website: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com, and in his free Brain Power Newsletter : http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com/Newsletter.html

"Today it is ... Tomorrow it will be ..."

Written by Sonny Julius

Continued from page 1
As we advance in years our “todays" will always be a good life but our "tomorrows" will always be even better. Are werepparttar type couple who are always hard to please? No, we just aren'trepparttar 128682 type to settle forrepparttar 128683 "simple life" Oh! we don't necessarily strive forrepparttar 128684 luxurious life. A very comfortable life ... a financially secure life ... a joyful lfe with lots of caring friends ... reasonably good health, that's what we want. It's a shame that many of our friends, who we use to visit and enjoy, don't feelrepparttar 128685 same as we do. They are thinking "old". They aren't very active. They aren't very healthy. They aren't much fun anymore. They are literally "dying" before their time. We still associate with some of them but not too often anymore. My wife and I decided when we retired we were going to have "the best time of our life forrepparttar 128686 rest of our life" if we possibly could. It only happens that way if you want it to happen. Granted some people have severe health problems that prevent them from doing things they love to do. But many people create their own unexciting and boring lives simply because they think their age or their health isrepparttar 128687 factor. How do you stand on this issue? Are you enjoying life torepparttar 128688 fullest? Do you try to think young? Do you stay active? If not, then get my book. It a wonderful guide for teaching you many ways to enjoy your "Golden Years" For more Information go to: http://www.absolutelysenior.com/ebook.html Wow! I didn't know how much fun these years could be

Sonny Julius is a retired sales supervisor. Prior to his sales career he spent 30 years in the family florist business. Becoming dissatisfied with that business he decided it was time to leave it and pursue a sales career. His interest in the internet eventually led him to write an ebook geared to senior citizens.

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