What Happened? Troubleshooting Poor Response from Ad Campaigns

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

Response But No Results

If you run an ezine ad, banner ad, etc., and get responses without making any sales,repparttar most probable theory is that your supporting ad copy or offer is not doing its job. Ezine ads, banner ads, andrepparttar 121082 like will never make a sale on their own. The customer is almost always going to be directed to click back to your Web site. Ifrepparttar 121083 copy/design of your ad is working, but no sales are being made, take a good look atrepparttar 121084 copy or design of your site. Chances are that *it* could be costing you sales.

Again, testing isrepparttar 121085 key. Change a headline, add links that direct to "more information" pages, and so on. Runrepparttar 121086 ad again, and see if your results improve.

You’ll notice that in either case, testing isrepparttar 121087 recommended course of action. So many small business owners get in a hurry and neglect to test their ads. While it may seem costly to run an ad, change an ad, and run it again -repparttar 121088 truth is that running unproven ads all acrossrepparttar 121089 ‘Net without gaining any return on investment (ROI) is a huge waste of money.

Yes, it does take a good deal of time. Yes, it can cost additional money. However, once you’ve takenrepparttar 121090 time to test an ad, andrepparttar 121091 copy onrepparttar 121092 supporting Web site that customers will be directed to, you’ll be in a much better position to ensure consistent sales from your campaigns.

Diane C. Hughes * ProBizTips.com

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>> http://madmarketer.com/diane

How To Build your own Highly Targeted Opt-in List

Written by Jun Han

Continued from page 1

Write Good Content Articles

When you prepare to write a good article, ask yourself, how do you want your article to help you promote your business? Simple, write a good content articles which you can use it on your website to improve on your keyword density for search engine placement. Include your author's signature below for every of your written articles which include a short introduction of your website and your subscribing information orrepparttar URL link to subscribe to your ezine or newsletter. You can also offer free ebooks or softwares as a token of appreciation for subscribing to your list.

Exchange ads with other Newsletter

Another great and effective way of increasing your subscriber’s base is to exchange ads with other newsletter when you have at least several hundreds of subscribers in your list. Both of you will benefit from getting good number of new subscribers.

Submit to Ezine Directories

There are thousands of free and paid Ezine Directories available onrepparttar 121081 net. Simply go to: http://www.google.com

Do a search for “Ezine Directories” and you will get a list of ezine directories where you can submit your article.

You can reviewrepparttar 121082 top 20 Ezine Directories at: http://ezines.nettop20.com

Those arerepparttar 121083 few ways of helping you to get started to build up your fresh new opt-in list from scratch. Withrepparttar 121084 highly targeted opt-in list you have built up, follow-up with your list, build a good relationship with your subscribers and that will create a unlimited income from your list for life.

Best of Success, Jun Han

Founder, ListBuilderSuccess.com ceo@listbuildersuccess.com ICQ: 146746391

Jun Han is the owner of ListBuilderSuccess.com - “Discover the Highly Effective and Proven Strategies” on building your own 100% highly targeted, responsive Opt-in List. To Discover the TOP Listmasters Highly Effective and Proven Strategies, Simply Subscribe to our Newsletter at:


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