What Does 2004 Hold For You?

Written by Jim Edwards

Continued from page 1

Just log on, hunt downrepparttar information, and take action on it.

Some suggested phrases to help make your searches more productive: "stop smoking," "lose weight," "end procrastination," "improve self-esteem."

~~ Talk To The "Future" You ~~

Many companies online will help you keep your New Year's resolutions by sending you email reminders throughoutrepparttar 123361 year (for a monthly fee).

But, instead of paying, you can set up your own reminder service.

Log on to www.timecave.com and sign up for a free account.

Then sit down for an hour or two and think aboutrepparttar 123362 challenges you will face in 2004.

Write yourself encouraging notes inrepparttar 123363 future about how to stay on track.

Then, overrepparttar 123364 course ofrepparttar 123365 year, you will receive your own reminders and encouragement just when you need them most.

~~ What Makes The Difference? ~~

Choosing to take consistent ACTION makesrepparttar 123366 difference between a wish and a goal!

A "wish" would be nice to have -if it isn't too difficult.

A "goal" is something you choose to act upon daily with a plan and commitment - no matter what!

The best summary I've ever seen of this principle comes fromrepparttar 123367 second book inrepparttar 123368 "Harry Potter" series when Professor Dumbledore tells Harry, "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

(I have that quote taped torepparttar 123369 top of my monitor)

The information to accomplish virtually anything is just a few mouse clicks away online and much of it's absolutely fr^e.

Choose to use that information to make 2004 better for yourself and others.

Do you want MORE out of life next year than just the same old New Year's Resolutions? Discover The Incredible 5-Step Goal Achievement System That Gives You A Positively Unfair Advantage In Business... and in Life! Click => http://www.HowToGetAnythingYouWant.com

Putting Spirit First: Goals For Your Soul

Written by Avalon De Witt

Continued from page 1
4. Perfection is relative to your frame of reference. Determine your frame of reference. What is heaven on earth to you? Look at where you've been and how far you've come. If you want to get somewhere, you have to know where you are now. Being fully aware ofrepparttar now can make it a lot easier to avoid becoming attached to results. 5. Achieving any kind of goal requires endurance. A sharp,laser focus on your purpose can cut throughrepparttar 123360 toughest of barriers. Masters know their purpose and have clarity about it. The greatest achievers write their goals down, along with a plan. This transforms a goal into commitment. There are action steps you can take today, this week, this month to bring you one step closer to your ideal. 6. Spiritual goals are not always that easy to measure. How will you know when you've achieved your goal? Spiritual progress tends to move in a circular fashion rather than alinear one. You know you are onrepparttar 123361 right track when you experience things "coming full circle" in your life. Deja vu, synchronicity, and a smoother life are signs that your consciousness is expanding. 7. Be sure to review your spiritual goals daily, weekly, or monthly. Whatever works best for you. Just remember to take stock of your accomplishments and give yourself rewards for sticking to your plan. 8. If you haverepparttar 123362 spark of life within you, which we all do, then you carry divine power within you. How that power is spent is your Divine Responsibility. Only YOU can use and develop your unique gifts! You are an emissary of heavenly light. Steward this light and see how easilyrepparttar 123363 rest of your life falls into place! Your creator lives within you and you live within your creator. So, don't just live like Heaven is within you, live like you are in Heaven!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit http://www.psychicavalon.com for more original content like this. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.

Avalon De Witt has practiced as a professional psychic and spiritual counselor for over 10 years and has studied the Tarot and other forms of divination for over 21 years. She has worked successfully with thousands of clients world-wide. Avalon believes that the Light of Divinity resides in us all, and she is devoted to revealing that Light in your life. Her focus is to show you how to tap into that source of unlimited power and knowledge within YOU.

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