What Do You Have To Lose?

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1

2. Stop looking outside yourself for happiness. Look inside. Increase your self-awareness. Get curious about who you are atrepparttar core. Cultivate and nurture a relationship with yourself.

3. Coverrepparttar 123790 basics. Takerepparttar 123791 time to address your personal needs. How can you focus on thriving in your life if you are in survival mode? Set up that meeting with a financial advisor, get your space organized, clean uprepparttar 123792 details that are sapping your energy.

4. Embrace your past and move on. Shift from “why it happened” to what I want to do about it now. Asking “why” is not a very empowering question. Asking what or how I want to proceed can be much more powerful and produce forward movement.

5. You’re not alone. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed with life. Seek support. It’s amazing to realize that most of us are struggling with similar challenges. “Hold hands and stick together”, wrote Robert Fulgham in his popular bestseller, “Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”.

6. Remember gratitude. Count your blessings. What IS working well in you life? Make a list. Set aside a bit of time everyday to acknowledge what or who you are grateful for. The more you practice gratitude,repparttar 123793 more you attract into your life things to be grateful for.

7. Court your passion. Yes, you have passion even though it’s been a while since you may have felt it flow. When are yourepparttar 123794 most alive and joyful in your life? If time and money weren’t a factor what would you do, who would you be? Who do you most admire and what do they inspire in you?

8. Take action. Take a risk. What’srepparttar 123795 one small thing you could do right now that could super charge your inspiration? Allrepparttar 123796 inspiration inrepparttar 123797 world won’t move your life torepparttar 123798 next level. It takes inspired ACTION to do that.

9. Keep breathing. You probably forget to take deep full breaths. We have all learned to constrict our breathing in response to stress. According to many experts we not only need oxygen to stay alive, we need oxygen to give us energy and keep us healthy. Right now take 5 deep, full breaths.

10. Have fun. When wasrepparttar 123799 last time you played? Call a friend, take a bubble bath, take yourself to an art museum or schedule a whole day out in nature. Put on some great music and dance till you drop.

How will you feel when you get torepparttar 123800 end of your life and look back? There is so much opportunity and support out there to live your life with passion and purpose. You can do it, I did.

What have you got to lose?

It’s your life…imaginerepparttar 123801 possibilities!

Helaine Iris is a Certified Life Coach She works with individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders who want more out of life. People, who want to lead successful, balanced lives filled with love, passion and purpose. Are you ready to take a step that could change your life? For a complimentary session visit her website http://www.pathofpurpose.com or call her 603-357-8546 or email her helaine@pathofpurpose.com

Emerge From Your Cocoon

Written by Virginia Reeves

Continued from page 1

Be a wanter. Wanters vigorously go after every possibility they feel is, or should be, open to them. Because of their desire and persistence, they tend to achieve about 80 to 90 percent of what they want. When you only want half of that, you may end up with even less. Ifrepparttar butterfly only put out halfrepparttar 123789 effort to break throughrepparttar 123790 cocoon casing, it would never come to life. You have to want more to get more. Set up realistic yet high enough standards for yourself and work on measuring up to them. It's certainly acceptable to userepparttar 123791 accomplishments of others to give you creative ideas and perhapsrepparttar 123792 motivating energy force you need. Be daring in mind and spirit first. Take chances and act without overdoingrepparttar 123793 research which can lead to procrastination and doubts and non-action. I once read that if you think you can do it, it's almost a crime not to try.

Remember - you want to be seen asrepparttar 123794 butterfly, notrepparttar 123795 bug. You won't be readily noticed (at least not in a positive manner) if you are crawling onrepparttar 123796 ground or hiding for protection. You need to break open your cocoon and let your outer self be displayed so that others know you are alive and waiting for them to discover your real attributes. Each time we reach out to do more than what is expected, we add just a little more positive goodness torepparttar 123797 world. By sharing yourself as a delicate yet determined butterfly, you share your victory of emergence and offer encouragement to others to dorepparttar 123798 same. Let your rainbow colors shine and glimmer!

Copyright 2002 by Virginia Reeves. This article may be reprinted; inform the author via mailto:rainbowop@onemain.com. For more on creativity, success, communication, and enhancing your skills and talents for more growth, please click on http://www.rainbowopportunities.ws or mailto:millionairemindset@GetResponse.com (for free bi-monthly e-zine)

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