What College Taught Me About Teamwork Training

Written by Stephanie Tuia

Continued from page 1

Association - In my final course before graduation, I participated in an advertising campaign where our purpose was to form a winning campaign strategy for a potential client. Atrepparttar beginning ofrepparttar 106905 school year, my professor divided our class into teams of ten students, and announced that byrepparttar 106906 end ofrepparttar 106907 semester we were going to be well acquainted with each other. I casually knew some ofrepparttar 106908 students from former classes, but as I worked with them outside of class, my one-time acquaintances turned into good friends as we invested time, energy, and ideas into a first rate advertising campaign. Our relationships and associations with each other created a positive environment in which we worked together and achieved positive results.

Commitment to work together as a unified team will produce many rewarding outcomes. Instead of relying upon one individual’s contribution, a team contributes many different ideas, experiences and skills. In a successful team, not only arerepparttar 106909 results greater, but each member benefits fromrepparttar 106910 knowledge and skills thatrepparttar 106911 other team members can offer.

Stephanie Tuia is a Client Account Specialist with 10x Marketing.

To learn more about professional Teamwork Training, visit CMOE.

Leadership Skill Training

Written by Stephanie Tuia

Continued from page 1

The Training Provider - During grade school, I held a leadership role in our academic honors society. I, along with three other student leaders attended a leadership training camp atrepparttar start ofrepparttar 106904 school year. Atrepparttar 106905 camp we listened to motivational speakers and participated in a variety of activities, one of which was participating in a ropes course. The purpose ofrepparttar 106906 course was to promote comradeship among our small group. Each individual inrepparttar 106907 group was able to contribute. Some ofrepparttar 106908 brawnier members contributed strength, while some ofrepparttar 106909 brainier members contributed ideas and strategy. The objective was achieved through communication, teamwork and a well-executed plan.

You didn’t captainrepparttar 106910 high school football team torepparttar 106911 state championship? You didn’t create and headrepparttar 106912 grade school recycling program, saving thousands of old-growth trees? Despair not, with a little direction andrepparttar 106913 right resources you can still become an effective and capable leader.

Stephanie Tuia is a Client Account Specialist with 10x Marketing.

For information on professional Leadership Skill Training, visit CMOE

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