What Causes Bad Breath Anyway?

Written by Thuvarakan Tharmalingam

Continued from page 1

How Do They Cause Bad Breath?

Through normal living process, these bacteria produce waste products in your mouth. The most common of these are volatile sulfur compounds with very unpleasant odor. These compounds are referred to as "volatile" because they readily evaporate when exposed to air under normal temperatures. This volatility of these compounds can offend those around you very quickly.

While these volatile sulfur compounds are principal factor of bad breath cause,repparttar anaerobic bacteria produce numerous other compounds that also have such offensive odors. They include:

* Cadaverine - createsrepparttar 115086 smell associated with corpses * Putrescine - causesrepparttar 115087 odor of decaying meat * Skatole - hasrepparttar 115088 characteristic smell of human feces * Isovaleric Acid - producesrepparttar 115089 smell of sweaty feet

What Do Anaerobic Bacteria Eat?

The waste products mentioned above are produced as anaerobic bacteria digest proteins. Therefore, anytime you eat a source of protein,repparttar 115090 bacteria in your mouth get a meal too.

Even without an obvious source of protein,repparttar 115091 anaerobic bacteria in your mouth can find a protein source anytime. There are many natural protein sources in your mouth, from dead skin cells to proteins found in saliva.


While you can't do anything aboutrepparttar 115092 fact that bacteria live in your mouth, it is important to realize thatrepparttar 115093 disturbed balance between anaerobic bacteria and other types is a key factor inrepparttar 115094 cause of bad breath. You should do everything you can to makerepparttar 115095 conditions of your mouth as unattractive to anaerobic bacteria as possible.

Thuvarakan Tharmalingam had been a long-term sufferer of bad breath or halitosis. He has created http://www.bad-breath-guide.com to share his knowledge of bad breath--acquired through a lot of research. The above article is written to inform people. It should not be treated as professional medical/dental advice.

Weighing the Options

Written by ChaChanna Simpson

Continued from page 1

The way to go is optimal nutrition which is "the balance of healthy foods and whatever is needed to keep your body in balance. It is different for everyone because it depends on your lifestyle, illness, genetics and where you live," says Lisa French, Fitness Consultant at The Diet Center. It is important for people in our twenties to begin taking care of our bodies now becauserepparttar more [you] are "aware of what [you] should be doing thenrepparttar 115085 aging process can be a lot kinder," says Arnold. Eating allrepparttar 115086 proper nutrients bringsrepparttar 115087 body into balance and helps you age gracefully, giving your body what it needs in order to function properly.

As for those diet pills and such, Arnold says that because they are not FDA approved, what is onrepparttar 115088 outside label doesn't have to be what is really insiderepparttar 115089 bottle. So who knows what you are really ingesting into your system.

Another misconception is that if you skip meals you will lose weight. That is absolutely false. When you are starving yourself and thinking that you are doing something good, your body goes into survival mode. The next time you eat, your body will hold on torepparttar 115090 food because it is not sure when it is going to get fed again. The Diet Center suggests that you eat small meals throughoutrepparttar 115091 day, so that you will keep up your blood sugar and have enough energy to get throughrepparttar 115092 day. Also, make sure that you drink eight glasses of water. Water will give you a full feeling and it cleans and replenishes your cells.

This is just an introduction to nutrition to get you all started onrepparttar 115093 proper way to nourish your body. Don't forget to incorporate fitness. It works hand and hand with nutrition. You have to burnrepparttar 115094 fuel that you are putting in your body.

ChaChanna Simpson is the publisher and editor of Twentity.com, the free bi-weekly ezine for twentysomethings featuring cheap and free events.

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