What Are the ABC's of Your Dream Job?

Written by Sheri A. Callahan

Continued from page 1
2.“B” Build a Plan of Action. Once you have written down your objectives then it is time to build support for your success. The first key is to identifyrepparttar benefits torepparttar 130862 employer than will come as a result of your job changes. For example; telecommuting will allow you to work at any hour necessary; casual dress would help lightenrepparttar 130863 tone inrepparttar 130864 office; a raise that included an additional key responsibility for you would lighten your boss’s workload; a half day on Friday would reduce stress; flextime would allow forrepparttar 130865 phone lines to be open for additional hours…etc. The second key is to research related success stories of other employees, departments or companies. Ask other Managers if they have heard of related changes in other departments andrepparttar 130866 level of success of that change. Also check with employees that have more knowledge aboutrepparttar 130867 company. If you still need backup, look to positive changes within other companies of your type. This may take some phone calls to Human Resources Departments, but it will be worth it. Andrepparttar 130868 third key is to identifyrepparttar 130869 direct reasons that this change will enable you to do a better job forrepparttar 130870 company. In other words “How will these changes make you a better employee for us?” The last key is to be fully prepared to address any and all questions and concerns relating torepparttar 130871 changes. You must develop clear, direct responses that diminishrepparttar 130872 concern immediately. For example, “If we are allowed casual dress on Friday, we will have a much better outlook, but if you find it to be distracting we can always return torepparttar 130873 old ways. 3.“C” Communicate Your Proposal. Preparation isrepparttar 130874 foundation to any sales proposal. You will be sellingrepparttar 130875 benefits of your job change to your manager andrepparttar 130876 company. This has to be a strong sell for a change for one employee. First, if possible, present your proposal in general terms to another trusting manager for feedback and suggestions. Be sure to follow those suggestions as closely as possible and refer to that Manager’s input regardingrepparttar 130877 change. Secondly, setrepparttar 130878 stage for your manager. Begin by giving him/her a strategically written note requesting a meeting to discuss your current position and desired changes. Also request an appropriate amount of time, so that you are not interrupted. Upon meeting with your Boss, wear your best attire, your brightest smile, feel your confidence and believe in your well-developed plan of action. Thirdly, be prepared and secure in addressing any questions and/or concerns that may arise. Hopefully, you are prepared for this. Never become defensive, as this may appear that you are not being fully honest. Lastly, thank him/her for their time and inquire as to when you will speak with them again.

Once you have followedrepparttar 130879 ABC’s and successfully presented your proposal it is time to celebrate. Hopefully, your employer will seerepparttar 130880 value ofrepparttar 130881 changes and your frustrations will ease. However, don’t be discouraged if “no” isrepparttar 130882 answer, as it simply calls for you to reassess your situation. Remember that regardless ofrepparttar 130883 outcome, you have proven that you haverepparttar 130884 ability to take control of your life. Stand tall and remember that you are always your own best advocate.

13 years of combined responsibilities in consulting; workforce development training; public speaking and business management. Sheri is often called upon for keynote addresses, public seminars, on-site trainings and performance consulting for a variety of organizations. Sheri is now President of Horizon Consuling Group, LLC. HCG specializes in addressing career development issues through performance consulting, training and keynote addresses.

Do You Have A Pinocchio Nose?

Written by Dave Turo-Shields

Continued from page 1

For example, my brother came by as I was doing weight training in my workout room here atrepparttar house. That's a fancy way of saying I was working out inrepparttar 130859 garage ;-) Anyway, he's been working hard to shedrepparttar 130860 pounds too and doing so with a membership atrepparttar 130861 YMCA. He had just finished a workout and was bummed after getting onrepparttar 130862 scales and not seeing what he wanted to see.

He asked for my opinion (I know... that's dangerous with family!) and I began inquiring about what he 'truly believed' was his natural weight. I was getting fired up. Can you almost see me? There I was with my lifting gloves on, sweat running off my back and all fired up. I went on to talk with him about how I had begun this time. Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling in my gut. I call that a "felt-sense." Any guesses who it was?

Dark Pinocchio showed up. He was saying things like, "You're a hippocrite! Your weight loss won't last and then you'll look foolish for saying things like this. Don't you know you are a FAT MAN!"

Quite frankly it stunned me, although my brother didn't pick up on it. Later I sat down with some pictures, including those I've burned into my brain of my natural body and allowed myself to "feel" what it feels like to be at a natural and healthy physical state.

That was yesterday. I feel much more calm and confident today. And, you know what? I will continue to tell others how I am doing this weight loss thing and if Dark Pinocchio wants a piece of me... here I am!

To your success! Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW

P.S. You may believe this blog was about weight loss. Maybe you'll use it this way. That's okay. But it's about something much more deep and powerful - The Dark Pinocchio in all of us. Unfortunately, I've met very few people who did not have this liar in their head. Defeat Dark Pinocchio and you'll change a whole lot more than just your weight!

^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ / ^ ^ “Dave Turo-Shields is an author, success coach and veteran psychotherapist who’s passion is guiding others to their own success in life. For weekly doses ofrepparttar 130863 web’s HOTTEST success tips, sign up for Dave’s powerful “Feeling Great!” ezine at www.Overcoming-Depression.com” ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ ^ / ^ / ^ ^

Dave Turo-Shields follows his passion... and it's to assist others in climbing the mountain to peak performance. He's a veteran psychotherapist, author, professor and life coach.

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