What Are YOU Making It Mean?

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1

Here are some common examples of how we create needless pain for ourselves.

I was talking with a client who was telling me about her boyfriend not wanting to drive with her to pick up a friend atrepparttar airport. She made it mean that he didn’t wantrepparttar 123771 friend to come at all.

Another client was upset because her friend cancelled a lunch date without apparent reason. She made it meanrepparttar 123772 friend didn’t like her.

My friend flew into a panic attack because his boss called him intorepparttar 123773 office inrepparttar 123774 middle ofrepparttar 123775 workday. He was convinced he was about to be fired.

What do you make things mean in your life? Do you automatically jump torepparttar 123776 “conclusion” that provesrepparttar 123777 worst about yourself? Here are some tips for staying inrepparttar 123778 present moment when confronted with a potentially “button pushing” situation.

1. When faced with an emotional reaction get inrepparttar 123779 habit of asking yourself, “What am I making this mean”? Stoprepparttar 123780 freight train of your thoughts and look for another option.

2. Connect with reality. Offer yourselfrepparttar 123781 gift of truth. Is it true that “X “ will happen? Can I really know what I’m perceiving and concluding isrepparttar 123782 only possibility?

3. Consider shifting from a limited view of yourself. Focus on what’s positive, larger and perhaps more true about you. Let go ofrepparttar 123783 negative self-talk.

Once you eliminaterepparttar 123784 endless mind loops of fear and self-doubt that come from second-guessing, from making meaning withoutrepparttar 123785 facts you free up your energy. Can you imagine how this could improve your relationships? How much more peaceful your world could be?

What would you rather be doing with your time? Personally, I’d rather have that quality weekend time with my husband.

It’s your life…imaginerepparttar 123786 possibilities!

**************************************** Helaine Iris is a Certified Life Coach She works with individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders who want more out of life. People, who want to lead successful, balanced lives filled with love, passion and purpose. Are you ready to take a step that could change your life? For a complimentary session visit her website http://www.pathofpurpose.com or call her 603-357-8546 or email her helaine@pathofpurpose.com

How Do You Find What Your Calling In Life Is

Written by Dave Cole

Continued from page 1

You're alive. Life is wonderful, it's exciting. There seems to be a tireless energy flowing that keeps you on track and keeps you moving towards following those talents and gifts.

You look at life differently when you're following your calling. There is a love there that motivates you to dorepparttar best you can, to learn as much as possible about your chosen field of work.

You have a true passion for what you are doing with your life. And you can see how your life fits in torepparttar 123770 "big picture" of things.....how what you are doing is helping mankind.

Your life doesn't seem "wasted."

Your life has a meaning and a purpose.

Despite difficulties and adversities, you are optimistic, looking to whatrepparttar 123771 final goals are, always believing, always knowing that what you are doing is the"right thing."

It comes from within. You just know it's right.

You are uniquely you!

You are not like any other person.

Don't compare yourself to others. They are unique also, they are not you and you are not them. You have unique talents, you have unique gifts.....for you to be anything other than what you are called in life is a step down

Find out what your calling is then do it with all your heart.

No one is less than anyone else, no one is ever a failure, no one is a mistake if you're walking in that calling on your life.

You are somebody special. There's no one else just like you.

Can you imagine how much nicer this world would be if all of us were following that high calling in our lives.

You can do your part.

You're probably not called to be an Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison or a Michael Jordan, or a Benny Hinn, or a Dr. Jane Bicks.

For most of us,repparttar 123772 calling on our life is much simpler. But whatever that call is, whatever those talents and gifts are in your life......whatever your passion is.....follow that with all your heart and you will be fulfilling that grand and glorious plan that was written for you inrepparttar 123773 stars above.

You can find that call.

You can follow it.

Your life can be rewarding and satisfying.

Your life can be wonderful....an adventure.

When you find and follow your call, you look at life as a gift.

Dave's E-zine provides you with valuable info on how to market your online business and how to make money online. Get your FREE subscription today. http://choosetoprosper.com

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