What, Is Love?

Written by Jon C. Randall

Continued from page 1

Love, isrepparttar bonding ofrepparttar 105349 souls, each complimentingrepparttar 105350 other, so they become as one entity or being. It is akin torepparttar 105351 mystery ofrepparttar 105352 trilogy of God, and ofrepparttar 105353 trilogy of humans, each part separate, yet as one, within that realm of bonding. They cannot be separate, yet each facet or segment is independent ofrepparttar 105354 other, and is an entity all to itself.

Love, isrepparttar 105355 creation of all things,repparttar 105356 giving of all things,repparttar 105357 eternal living of all things. It isrepparttar 105358 rich harmony of sense, and being. Inrepparttar 105359 measure to which we seek and live life, withoutrepparttar 105360 pain and sorrow, yet it is a part of it, as we long forrepparttar 105361 simplicity of acceptance, understanding, and to be loved by another, in a fellowship that knows no boundaries of time or space, or limitations. It is without cost, but priceless, yet freely given, or received. It isrepparttar 105362 enrichment, of what we are, and who we are, as viewed from without, or from within. It goes torepparttar 105363 core, within those walls we build to keep others out, probing gentlyrepparttar 105364 soul of another, in full revelation of what they are, without judgment, and with understanding. It then nurtures growth, gives encouragement, and brings peace, within.

©1/29/04 Jon C. Randall -All Rights Reserved- JonRandall@joshcomm.org www.joshcomm.org

Jon C. Randall is a published writer and author, having been published nationally and internationally with short stories, articles, and poetry. He is the author of one book ("From A Simple Servant"), and currently working on another (What He REALLY Meant!). He has plans for doing two novels in the immediate near future. Additionally, he has helped ghost write articles and short stories. http://www.joshcomm.org


Written by Jason Katzenback

Continued from page 1

To help your picky eater experiment with different types of food, we are offering an outstanding book that will provide you with information, tips, support, and 500 recipes that most picky eaters love. Instead of guessing what you should fix for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks, we have compiled some amazing recipes for you to try.

This book is loaded with information to help you handlerepparttar tough times with a picky eater. Most importantly, you will be guided through specific steps that cover things such as sensory integration, lactose intolerance, children who are obese, nutritional guidelines, strategies, and much more! Today isrepparttar 100528 day to take back your life and learn how to enjoy mealtime withrepparttar 100529 entire family again!

As you begin to readrepparttar 100530 book, you will connect withrepparttar 100531 content and numerous stories from other parents dealing with picky eaters just like you. Be encouraged in your quest to feed your picky eater and remember, you need to be patient, supportive, and creative when dealing with this type of child. We are confident that after reading our book – “Help! There’s a Picky Eater inrepparttar 100532 House”, you will be armed and educated to serverepparttar 100533 exact type of meals your child wants to eat!

Jason Katzenback is author of "Help There is a Picky Eater in The House" and father to what he claims were the ‘two pickiest eaters ever!’ --- Wanting to help cope with his dinner table dramas Jason decided to put together a resource full of proven strategies and recipes that is Guaranteed to help parents cope with their picky eaters successfully. http://www.pickyrecipes.com

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