What's In An LCD Display?

Written by Demetria Zinga

Continued from page 1

When deciding on purchasing your LCD display, be prepared to spend at least $200, and definitely look into a 19 inch display (as opposed to a 17 inch). From Sam’s Club to Sears to Circuit City, it’s certain that you’ll findrepparttar display you need forrepparttar 147861 price you want to pay. Just do a little comparison shopping, and pat yourself onrepparttar 147862 back for making a purchase that will clear up your desk clutter and save you some space! -- Demetria Zinga isrepparttar 147863 founder and owner of www.faith-media.com, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is alsorepparttar 147864 founder of www.christianladies.net, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

Demetria Zinga is the founder and owner of www.faith-media.com, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is also the founder of www.christianladies.net, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

Back Up Your Data or Lose Your Life!

Written by Demetria Zinga

Continued from page 1

So, there you have several ways you can backup your PC data and be safe. Keep in mind that despiterepparttar disadvantages of CD-ROM and DVD backup (purchasing new CD’s and performing backups regularly), you can’t beatrepparttar 147860 fact that CD’s and DVD’s last for years and are transportable, which is great for traveling. If you’re anything like me, you probably have a whole slew of information stored on your PC, much of which is personal in nature (such as family pics), and most of which is business-related (which is crucial to your business success). Being sure that you select at least one method of backup is your first step. Your second step is to make sure you follow through with this plan each and every week. Remember, consistency is key. Back up your data, and save your life! -- Demetria Zinga isrepparttar 147861 founder and owner of www.faith-media.com, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is alsorepparttar 147862 founder of www.christianladies.net, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

Demetria Zinga is the founder and owner of www.faith-media.com, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is also the founder of www.christianladies.net, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

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