Wellness versus Ignorance

Written by Dr. Donald A. Miller

Continued from page 1

One advantage of wise food choices is that we can eat as much as we want and still not get fat. Another is that good diet can help protect us against common scary diseases that can lower quality of life and cause early death.

"Low Carb diets" are a red herring. Takingrepparttar hamburger out ofrepparttar 115000 bun, but keepingrepparttar 115001 fatty meat and oily toppings, is utter madness.

The other part ofrepparttar 115002 story is that even easy exercise can stimulaterepparttar 115003 body to health, help prevent those scary diseases, and make us feel better, while helping us to live longer. * If you don't like army calisthenics, at least walk 1 to 2 miles a day, 5 to 7 days a week. * If back pain or shoulder aches plague you, do some simple exercise routines at home, workplace, or while walking. * Head off wrist problems by frequent breaks to stretch them in all directions. * If you don't have time or money for a gym membership, buy a twelve foot piece of rope for isometrics and skipping.

"We don't stop exercising because we get old. We get old because we stop exercising."

The CDC tells us that 7 out of 10 deaths are caused by chronic diseases, 1.7 million per year inrepparttar 115004 USA, and that these early deaths can be prevented by good diet and easy exercise. We can save billions of dollars per year just from good diet and moderate exercise. Now that's a bargain!

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

Dr. Donald A. Miller is author of "Easy Health Diet" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm, "Easy Exercise All Ages" http://easyhealthdiet.com/eeaa.htm, and numerous free articles on health http://easyhealthdiet.com/articles/. Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

Health News as Source for Laughs

Written by Dr. Donald A. Miller

Continued from page 1

Item: My article, "High Energy Food Illustrations", shows that sugar, fat, alcohol are concentrated energy sources which can support fire. Restrict their intake and you help your calorie balance.

Item: Such sources asrepparttar American Medical Association show that sugar enriched foods and beverages correlate with risk of diabetes, as well as risk of obesity.

Item: My diet book noted that some young people being treated with Ritalin[tm] for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were able to flush their drugs when they removed refined sugars from their diets. (I knew one such youth.) I also noted that average USA consumption of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners is now about 25 timesrepparttar 114999 per capita consumption ofrepparttar 115000 early 1900s. Use ofrepparttar 115001 three major artificial sweeteners is no magic cure, because they can causerepparttar 115002 symptoms of several serious diseases.

So, should we takerepparttar 115003 advice ofrepparttar 115004 sugar-foods and soft drinks industries?

As reporter John Stossel would say, "Give Me a Break".

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

Dr. Donald A. Miller is author of "Easy Health Diet" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm, "Easy Exercise All Ages" http://easyhealthdiet.com/eeaa.htm, and numerous free articles on health http://easyhealthdiet.com/articles/. Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

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