Weight Loss and Disease – It’s not the food that’s killing us!

Written by Greg Ryan - High Profile Fitness Expert

Continued from page 1


“Do not let them see you sweat or show any signs of weakness.”

Ever find yourself saying one of these? “If I cannot do it on my own, then I will not do it at all.” “Justrepparttar very fact of having to take better care of me, irritates me.” “I’ll put off my check up until next fall.”

Ever have any of these thoughts?

Denial’s brother, Pride, may not berepparttar 149059 sneakiest, but he isrepparttar 149060 strongest personality ofrepparttar 149061 boys. Having too much pride costs millions of lives every year in any arena you can imagine, especially in health andrepparttar 149062 aging process. While pride may berepparttar 149063 strongest emotion out ofrepparttar 149064 three, he always seems to lose. His ego getsrepparttar 149065 best of him and aging finally wins out inrepparttar 149066 end.


“I’ll start tomorrow on my exercise program.”

Exercise and eating right takes discipline, and planning. For some, that’s too much to ask. If that’s you, you may be missing out on a really wonderful healthy quality filled life. But, does that really matter to you?

Why is Americarepparttar 149067 fattest nation inrepparttar 149068 world? Laziness! It’s just that simple. If you think a pill, surgery, or wishful thinking is going to replace hard work you have been HAD byrepparttar 149069 media. It takes hard consistent work. Having Lazy as a friend may cost you your life someday. Why are most countries healthier and thinner than us? They are more active and more resourceful. Denial, pride and lazy can berepparttar 149070 end for some, but it does not have to be that way for you, if you start now. Sometimes we can think too much and talk ourselves out of things, instead of just doing it right.

Yes, food is a big part ofrepparttar 149071 epidemic we face today with diabetes, obesity and heart disease. However,repparttar 149072 real things that are killing us are inside of you already. Don’t let Pride, Denial and Lazy eat you alive. Quit making dumb excuses not to feel better. Let people like me help you. I don’t even know you and I have to believe you want it in your heart to feel better, lose some weight and have more confidence.

Remember, you are not promised tomorrow!

LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here www.resolutions.bz Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

Exercise – More is NOT better!

Written by Greg Ryan - High Profile Fitness Expert!

Continued from page 1
point where it just goes throughrepparttar motions. The only thing you are really doing is satisfying your brain. The muscles shut down, hit plateaus and ache. These are all signs of over doing it. They reality is, which will seem illogical is thatrepparttar 149020 muscles grow and recuperate while they are resting, not duringrepparttar 149021 workouts. This was very hard for me to understand until I worked out for a summer with Brian Silk Mr. Universe. Brian was lifting halfrepparttar 149022 weight in halfrepparttar 149023 time, performing halfrepparttar 149024 exercising I was doing. Obviously I was doing something wrong.

He went on to explain to me just this. The hardest thing for me to do at that time was walk out ofrepparttar 149025 gym when it seemed as though I was only through half my workout. One year later I wonrepparttar 149026 Mr. Michigan Bodybuilding championships.

Here is my point: Making progress in your exercise program comes down to; working smart not hard, listening to your body, and understanding more exercise is bad for you inrepparttar 149027 long run. The magic is in this formula: Consistency + variety + efficiency = results!

LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here www.resolutions.bz Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

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