Weight Loss Longevity --It’s the Big Picture

Written by Greg Ryan

Continued from page 1

In a nut shell:

While guidelines are needed, try not to get bogged down withrepparttar details. Make a decision to make exercise and eating right a priority in your life, even if it is not up to your expectations.

Exercise and better eating will give back a very fulfilling life. But you have to keep your eye onrepparttar 148695 ball. Speed bumps and potholes will always be there in season. The process of avoiding them can be a lot more fun than you can imagine.

1. Be a lifer for exercise and eating right.

2. Do not get bogged down with being perfect. Be more focused on being consistent.

3. Watch your ego; it can defeat you at any moment, anywhere, from any direction.

4. Consistency isrepparttar 148696 magic word.

If you want to keep your weight down forrepparttar 148697 rest of your life, you have to keep your ey onrepparttar 148698 big picture.

Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert. LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. FREE MINI COURSE click here www.resolutions.bz

Exercise and weight loss for life – The magic formula doctor’s don’t want you to know!

Written by Greg Ryan - High profile fitness expert!

Continued from page 1


PERSEVERANCE Having a sold out attitude helps you persevere through some ofrepparttar down times. There were a lot of times I just wanted to quit. But I always remembered that I had made a decision to stay in it forrepparttar 148652 long haul. My workouts did not have to be perfect allrepparttar 148653 time, as long as I kept moving forward. I just had to persevere, no matter what! So I did.

SELF- MOTIVATION A small part of all of us needs to be self- motivated. You cannot do it alone. You will always need a good support system; however, somewhere inside a little self- motivation needs to be smoldering to keeprepparttar 148654 fire going.

SELF – DISCIPLINED Having self-discipline is different than being self-motivated. You can be motivated, but not disciplined. However, you cannot be disciplined without being motivated. No one will or can exercise for you. Nor can they tell you what to eat forrepparttar 148655 rest of your life. Being self-disciplined requires you to consistently keeprepparttar 148656 main goal in mind.

ATTITUDE #3: IT’S THE BIG PICTURE Each of you is different. You will put into exercise a certain amount of effort and everyone will get something different from it. You cannot just package good intentions and say, “If you do this or if you buy that, you will receive this in return.” It just doesn’t work that way.

In a nut shell:

While guidelines are needed, try not to get bogged down withrepparttar 148657 details. Make a decision to make exercise and eating right a priority in your life, even if it is not up to your expectations. Exercise and better eating will give back a very fulfilling life. But you have to keep your eye onrepparttar 148658 ball. Speed bumps and potholes will always be there in season. The process of avoiding them can be a lot more fun than you can imagine.

Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert. LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. FREE MINI COURSE click here www.resolutions.bz

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