Weight Loss: It's Not Always What You Eat, But What You Don't Eat

Written by Mark Idzik

Continued from page 1

In American, we spend 90% of our food budget on processed foods. The government reports that over 40% of foods found in an average grocery store contain trans fats. Most fast foods contain trans fats. Snacks, chips, candy bars, cookies, crackers, commercial baked goods, pastries and cakes... almost all processed foods contain trans fats.

Inrepparttar example ofrepparttar 131386 island population above,repparttar 131387 effects of eating processed foods and lack of activity turned a healthy population into one with alarming rates of obesity and disease.

How can we avoid trans fats and their effects? What do we look out for?

1) Become a label reader.

Readrepparttar 131388 ingredient labels of foods you buy and look for "partially hydrogenated". If you see those words, avoid that food. Any food that contains "partially hydrogenated" anything is unhealthy and will negatively affect your weight loss program.

Some common foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils are:

-candy bars -chips -snacks -commercially baked pastries -processed foods -most fast foods -cookies -cake mixes -cereals

Bottom line, you can't lose weight and regularly eat foods containing partially hydrogenated oils.

2) Ask questions.

When eating out, ask ifrepparttar 131389 foods you are ordering contain "partially hydrogenated oil" or "trans fats".

3) Look for alternatives.

The good news is that because of more media exposure aboutrepparttar 131390 dangers of "trans fats", companies are starting to replace "partially hydrogenated oils" with alternative ingredients and creating healthier versions of some of your favorite products.

Restaurants are starting to add more natural oils and are removing partially hydrogenated oils from their kitchens. Ask about it when eating out.

Try to get as many "whole" foods into your diet. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats and avoid processed, prepared and fast foods as much as possible.

Avoiding these hidden oils inrepparttar 131391 food you eat every day alone will make a significant impact on your health, and specifically in reaching your weight loss goals. Add a few lifestyle changes and imagine where you will be on your journey towards better health next month.

In Part 2 of this article, I'll coverrepparttar 131392 other secret additive in foods that no one talks about. This ingredient tricks your brain into thinking what you are eating is delicious and makes you want to continue to eat it, bypassing all your natural signals of feeling full and satisfied! It's also found in a large group of foods we eat every day.

Mark Idzik is a health coach with a national clientele who helps his clients feel better, get more energy, lose weight and make better health choices. Get his 37 free tips to guaranteed weight loss by visiting: http://www.Everyday-Weight-Loss.com/?src=wyde#tips

Are Co-Workers Making You Fat: Avoiding Unexpected Goodies

Written by Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

Continued from page 1

By ordinary I mean doughnuts bought atrepparttar supermarket that are nothing special, or a bakery cake with icing you don't like. I don't like typical bakery shortening icing and always scrape it off becauserepparttar 131384 cake's still okay. Don't eat parts ofrepparttar 131385 food you don't even like. Chips, pretzels, cookies, etc. Are they home made or store bought. You can buyrepparttar 131386 store bought brands any day, they aren't special at all. Take a pass. Save your calories for something really special. I'd rather skiprepparttar 131387 morning treats and have a piece or two of excellent chocolate tonight.

If you take a bite and findrepparttar 131388 food is not as good as you expected, you don't have to eat it. "Really? I don't have to eat it?" That's right, you can choose to not eat. There is simply no way I'm wasting calories on food I don't even like. No one is going to notice you aren't eating. Talk to those around you. Laugh, enjoy yourself. Setrepparttar 131389 plate down, walk away. No one will even notice. If someone says, "Aren't you going to eat that?," you can say, "In a minute," and go on chattering. They'll forget all about it. Their only making conversation, they really don't care whether you eat, believe me.

Ifrepparttar 131390 idea of leaving food or throwing food away is more than you can tolerate, use EFT on that issue too:

"Even though I can't stand to throw away food ..."

"Even though I hate wasting food ..."

"Even though there is no way I can throw away perfectly good food ..."

"Even though my mother said you should never waste food ..."

Being unable to "waste" food is usually a holdover from childhood. You can outgrow childhood conditioning, if you want to. If you hold on to those beliefs, fine. There are no rules here. Just go with whatever comes up, using EFT on anything and everything, and you'll be amazed atrepparttar 131391 difference it can make.

Step 3: Ending Food Cravings Even When You Don't Want To

Do a round of EFT onrepparttar 131392 desire to eat anyway. If you think you don't really wantrepparttar 131393 food, but yet you do. In other words, you can't decide not to eat it, or you're deciding not to dorepparttar 131394 EFT because you want to eat it anyway, then dorepparttar 131395 EFT first, haverepparttar 131396 food second. You'll still get to eatrepparttar 131397 goodies. No one is taking anything away from you.

You may still wantrepparttar 131398 food but find your desire has lessened. You'll want it because you're hungry for it, or you'll want to take some and save it for later when you are hungrier. You can always save some for later. There is no food police to take it away if you don't eat it right now. Nobody is going to scold you for not finishing your food. Maybe when you were 6-year sold, but not now.

If any memories pop up about eating, leaving food, your mother telling you what you should or should not do, wasting food, or about getting enough to eat, use EFT on those too. That'srepparttar 131399 best way to use EFT, just go withrepparttar 131400 flow of your thoughts, ideas, memories. You'll get where you want to go without needing to knowrepparttar 131401 details in advance. Just use EFT on whatever thoughts pop up, and slowly those emotional issues and faulty beliefs will melt away like light snowfall inrepparttar 131402 afternoon sun.

If you take these three steps and still want to eat, go ahead and eat. You'll feel okay about what you're eating, and that'srepparttar 131403 point. Doing what is best for you inrepparttar 131404 moment is what really taking care of yourself is all about.

~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com

Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.

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