Webpage Tips

Written by Angela Barbeisch

Continued from page 1

Gif crunching isrepparttar answer!(www.gifcruncher.com) A gif image has a series of overlaying colors built into it, far deeper thanrepparttar 134825 average human eye can see. What a gif cruncher does is minimizerepparttar 134826 unnecessary colors making your picture load faster. There is a sacrifice of some quality in most cases, but isn't it better to sacrifice a little than to whine aboutrepparttar 134827 one that "got away"?

In real estate,repparttar 134828 key to success isrepparttar 134829 three L’s: Location, location, location! That same formula applies to your website. Do you want your readers to find their information quickly, or to roam around endlessly likerepparttar 134830 S.S.Minnow on a three-hour tour? Organization and clear, concise links to your information isrepparttar 134831 key to success. Your reader should always have an idea of what they are getting into. Avoid at all costs undefined links, such as “click here for a surprise”! If I wanted a surprise, I’d go buy a box of Cracker Jacks.

Bigger IS better! Make your font size BIG enough for people to read. I’d like to still think I’m twenty-four, but in reality I’m forty something. Although still sexy, my eyes just aren't what they used to be! If you make me squint and feel old, I’ll go away. While incredibly small fonts can seem stylish and room saving, they tend to annoy readers. Pick a safe font as well, like arial or courier. Sure, your snazzy, unique EuroTrash#45 is a beautiful flowing font. But what good is it if only 10% of your readers actually see it, whilerepparttar 134832 other 90% see a generically ugly default font?

In summary, quick loading, ease in navigation and viewing, organized links and of course, excellent content will getrepparttar 134833 readers who do happen to hit your page to stay there, and bookmarkrepparttar 134834 page and return. Return visitors will make your site a success. Once you develop an audience that comes back for more, you haverepparttar 134835 makings of hit Broadway show.

Angela Barbeisch, editor of allparody.com. Visit her at http://www.allparody.com.


Written by Bob McElwain

Continued from page 1

One home page after another was simply pictures with a brief catalog description and a click-to-order button. They shouted things at me like "Buy From Me Now!" Or worse: "Please Buy From Me."

Calming Down

I poured a cup of coffee, sat down to gaze atrepparttar mountains torepparttar 134824 East, and pondered for a bit. Still kind of surprised atrepparttar 134825 way in which I had attacked this task. Puzzled atrepparttar 134826 emotional change that took over completely. I asked myself what is wrong with these sites? What would I do differently were they mine? What could they have done to grab my attention and hold it?

What I Discovered

The pictures did in fact partially answerrepparttar 134827 question, "What's in it for me?" I was looking at greenhouses. But there was nothing that drew me beyond this point. One person boldly commented, "I've been in this business since 1949." How nice. Of no meaning to me at all. (Later, yes, when I want to see who's behind this operation, but never up front.) Another said something like, "We arerepparttar 134828 best." Uh huh. Always a dumb thing to say. Show me, else shush.

Looking Back

I'm sure that several ofrepparttar 134829 sites I dashed through haverepparttar 134830 information I want. But it wasn't obvious atrepparttar 134831 time. And it must be immediately and completely obvious. Why? Because I suspect my recent surfing experience is common behavior among many.

If you can get a visitor to finish your headline, you've beatrepparttar 134832 odds significantly. Ifrepparttar 134833 headline even partially answersrepparttar 134834 question, "What's in this for me?" you are still inrepparttar 134835 game.

However, you will lose your visitor at this point, unless you immediately demonstrate why your visitor should linger. Questions such as "Why should I buy from you?" and "Why should I believe you?" need to be addressed quickly. While it's not possible to answer all such questions inrepparttar 134836 first screen, you best get started and definitively pointrepparttar 134837 way to further information that provides complete answers.

Looking Ahead

The Web is so new, it's difficult to envision what lies ahead. Entire new business models are likely to emerge, concepts we have not yet dreamed of. One thing seems certain, though. The catalog model is here to stay.

However, few catalog sites are going to be successful opening with some pictures, brief descriptions, and an "order now" button.

An Aside

Another mistake noted on sites visited was what appeared to be a determination to makerepparttar 134838 page look like printed offline catalogs. Pages jammed full of pictures. Brief hard-to-read descriptions. Lots of unexplained jargon.

Offline, this is mandatory. Printing costs mount up. And so do mailing costs. Evenrepparttar 134839 cost of paper. Online, there is virtually no cost to adding another page torepparttar 134840 site. Put links on jargon that pop up a window of explanation. Use space; it's cheap. Include more complete explanations with links to more in depth notes.

Whilerepparttar 134841 catalog model will thrive onrepparttar 134842 Web, more attractive formats that make it easy to find further information will berepparttar 134843 winners.

Demonstrate Your Concerns For Your Customers

Saying you're glad a visitor dropped in won't do a bit of good. Showing them it's so will. Show them you value their interest and will go out of your way to provide exactly what they need.

Saying you support your customers in every possible way won't cut it. But showing that it's so does wonders.

Begin demonstrating such essential elements inrepparttar 134844 first screen on your page and reenforce each element throughoutrepparttar 134845 site. And whatever else you do, make certain that allrepparttar 134846 neat resources on your site are readily available.

Bob McElwain Want to build a winning site? Improve one you already have? Fix one that's busted? Get ANSWERS. Subscribe to "STAT News" now! mailto:join-stat@lyris.dundee.net Web marketing and consulting since 1993 Site: Phone: 209-742-6349

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