Web copy that counts:

Written by Charles Warnock

Continued from page 1
4. Edit mercilessly. Usability guru Jakob Nielson says that reading from a computer screen takes 25 percent longer than reading from a printed page. He recommends giving online readers about 50 percent less text than print readers. Listen to Jakob. Think of your words and sentences as individual workers, each with a specific role in creating successful copy. If it’s notrepparttar best word or sentence or it’s not bolstering your message’s effectiveness, it’s fired! 5. Let your words dorepparttar 120459 work. Identifyrepparttar 120460 strongest benefits of your product or service and present them in clear, convincing language. Don’t try to grab attention with loud colors, excessive bolding, capitalization or punctuation. In addition to compromising your credibility, it makes for a spotty, unattractive page onrepparttar 120461 reader’s computer screen. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, overusing exclamation points is like laughing at your own jokes. 6. What is it? What’s in it for me? What’s my next step? Readers should be able to answer these three questions about your product or service after reading your copy. Answers these important questions quickly, along with another one if it’s appropriate - How much does it cost? 7. Firstrepparttar 120462 horse, thenrepparttar 120463 cart. Have you written to share ideas and insights, change behaviors and build relationships…or to close a single sale? In writing copy for Web sites and e-mail, many marketers makerepparttar 120464 mistake of trying to jump from introduction to sale too quickly. Building customer trust is a powerful, but fragile process. Asking for a sale before you have clearly established trust and demonstrated value is a sure way to alienate potential customers. Know where your readers are inrepparttar 120465 process, set realistic goals and target your words accordingly.

Charles Warnock, Editor/Webmaster, BusinessTechKnowledge Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA cw@businesstechknowledge.com

Charles Warnock is a South-Florida based editor and Webmaster specializing in marketing communications and online content. He can be reached at cw@businesstechknowledge.com.

I'm Not Sexy

Written by Carmen Maranon

Continued from page 1

Or maybe someone will finally confess that those "guaranteed hits" programs can really work, andrepparttar traffic you get from them are really targeted to exactly what you're selling, and there really is a place where you can spend just $10 for a gazillionbillion "hits" that will convert to a bazilliontrillion new customers anxious to throw their life savings at you.

How about a magic word, number, or whatever else you fantasized about... that you simply insert into your existing site or copy, transforming it into a wild and uncontrollable money machine without having to put any effort into learning how to write...

Whoa there, hot stuff! Take a cold shower and come back in 10 minutes.

Look through your hard drive and see just how many marketing products you own. Have you read through them all? Do you put into practice, split test, and fine-tune all that they teach you?

How many articles have you written forrepparttar 120458 market you're targeting? Are you testing different pay-per-click techniques? Do you split test your web and sales copy? Name 20 webmasters or online business owners you've contacted to possibly team up with.

What inspired me to write this is an e-mail I received from someone who asked to cancel his Internet Marketing Support Network membership.

"Cancel my account and refund my money [$1]. I need to make money ASAP, but, what you teach in there is how to find and create products and instructions on how to sell it onrepparttar 120459 Internet. That's not what I'm looking for."

So, what were you looking for? To pay a buck and wake uprepparttar 120460 next morning to find thousands of dollars in your bank account just for being a member?

It's an inevitable fact. No matter what those sales letters say, you must be prepared to sweat. It takes effort, testing, persistence, perseverance and constant improvement and fine-tuning to be successful.

No matter how boring a technique or strategy may seem, give it a try. You won't find it so dull once you start seeingrepparttar 120461 orders come in : )

I'm SO not sexy. I'll leave that to JLo and Ben.

(c)2004 MarketingChick.com. All rights reserved.

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