Web Source Web Design Tips - Cascading Style Sheets

Written by Shelley Lowery

Continued from page 1

By using this style sheet, allrepparttar text displayed in your table will be displayed in your specified font and size.

Tip provided by: Web-Source.net: Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development. http://www.web-source.net

Shelley Lowery is the author of the highly acclaimed ebook series, Web Design Mastery -- an in-depth guide to professional web design that is rapidly becoming known as the "Bible" for professional web design. http://www.webdesignmastery.com

Why FrontPage XP?

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

So one by onerepparttar really powerful features of FrontPage have proved themselves to be too limited, slow or poorly implemented to be of use.

However,repparttar 134541 WYSIWYG editor is wonderful, so when FrontPage 2000 was released I was fairly excited. And FrontPage 2000 was a vast improvement overrepparttar 134542 earlier versions ofrepparttar 134543 product. In fact, I believerepparttar 134544 entire Office 2000 suite was as close to perfect as it could get (besides an occasional bug). In my opinion, Microsoft should have stopped development onrepparttar 134545 entire suite at that time, as there really is nothing useful to add. I know in my own workplace my users probably use about 5% ofrepparttar 134546 suite's capabilities, andrepparttar 134547 remaining features are more than enough to satisfyrepparttar 134548 occasional power user.

I was looking forward torepparttar 134549 upgrade to Office XP. I don't know why, since I basically am not usingrepparttar 134550 product all that much anymore. I simply use FrontPage 2000 as a WYSIWYG front end, then go in an editrepparttar 134551 HTML code by hand where necessary. In fact, lately I've been finding myself switching back to good old FrontPage Express more and more often.

Nonetheless, I looked forward torepparttar 134552 new product (I mean FrontPage 2000 was a very good upgrade after all) and eagerly ran to my desk withrepparttar 134553 new copyrepparttar 134554 day it arrived. The upgrade went in easily and quickly ...

And within 2 hoursrepparttar 134555 product had been removed from my system. I believe this isrepparttar 134556 quickest uninstall on a major product that I have ever done.

Now keep in mind that I did not perform a feature-to-feature comparison betweenrepparttar 134557 two products. I was going to do so, but FrontPage XP did not even passrepparttar 134558 initial first look. The product was that horrible.

It wouldn't even render my pages properly. My site is handled perfectly well by every browser that I've checked it in and by every single other editor I've tested. There is absolutely nothing unusual about it in any way. Yet FrontPage XP could not showrepparttar 134559 pagers properly.

The product had even more "FrontPage-isms" than before, and it was slow. Very, very slow.

So I will be brief and finish up this article quickly. I wouldn't recommend anything about FrontPage XP, and for that matter,repparttar 134560 complete Office XP suite to anyone. I have no idea why anyone would accept this product for free, much less pay for it.

To be very crass about it, I kind of view these products (FrontPage XP and Office XP) asrepparttar 134561 equivalent of expensive working girls. Sure, you will have fun, but it will cost you a fortune, you will catch a virus or two, you may get worms, and you'd be much better off staying at home talking to your wife or girlfriend.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at http://www.internet-tips.net - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.

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