Web Sites Dont Work

Written by Manoj Shah

Continued from page 1

Other sites are developed by graphics designers, these sites may look good but major opportunities to automate business processes might be missed andrepparttar website could have technical flaws. As a result such sites rank poorly with search engines.

Websites are also implemented, without any content or technical maintenance plan. Have you noticed when you are surfing that there are sites that state when they were last updated and it was several years ago. That just isn’t competitive onrepparttar 108777 web today. There is often no one specifically responsible for maintaining and monitoringrepparttar 108778 website orrepparttar 108779 specific business results that were expected whenrepparttar 108780 investment was made

“A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becomingrepparttar 108781 gateway to a company's brand, products and services—even ifrepparttar 108782 firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But evenrepparttar 108783 coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results”

May 13th 2004 Economist

Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, WSI’s latest office will be run by Internet Consultant Manoj Shah; providing local businesses with specialised Internet business strategies.

His extensive experience across a diverse range of industries provides him with an insight that is guaranteed to benefit any business. Web site: www.wsi-ebiz-experts.co.uk

Benefits of Website Localization

Written by Neil Payne

Continued from page 1

Website localization builds credibility

If your company only has a site in English and your competitor in all major languages, which one will gain more credibility? Localization of your website demonstrates that you are a truly international player. In addition, through localization it shows that you understand, value and have respect for that particular country or region.

Website localization increases revenue

Billions of dollars, pounds and francs in potential revenue are lost each year due to lack of investment in website localization. Most internet users will naturally feel more comfortable and understand a company better if their information, products or services are presented in their native language. By undergoingrepparttar website localization process you access potentially millions of new customers.

It is clear that website localization is a must for any truly international business. In addition torepparttar 108776 technical and programming elements of website localization many cultural factors must be borne in mind.

For example, has language been translated properly and cultural variations in terminology, phrases, metaphors and sayings been taken into consideration? Have symbols, graphics, pictures, colours and general layout been viewed for their cultural applicability?

Website localization is a huge investment and should not be viewed as a straightforward process. When localizing your site, ensure you getrepparttar 108777 expertise of both a website designer and a cross cultural communications consultancy to ensure your site has maximum impact onrepparttar 108778 target audience.

Neil Payne is Director of London based cross cultural communications consultancy, Kwintessential. http://www.kwintessential.co.uk

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