We Fall Down

Written by Dawn Fields

Continued from page 1

You knowrepparttar mistakes that you've made because you have that mistake as a reference point now and forrepparttar 122888 rest of your life. But you CAN change your residence. Move out. Pack your bags and throw away that "Welcome" mat-- because, right now, you makerepparttar 122889 decision to change. You have decided that your life is worth fighting for. You realize that you are a child of God and, therefore, worthy of all that is already yours by divine right.

You weren't born for sorrow. You weren't born to be a doormat for others to wipe their feet on. You weren't born to infect your body with chemicals that take you outside of yourself. You weren't born to be used up and then disregarded. You weren't born for any of that.

You were born to glorify God and live a happy and abundant life. And if you aren't living that way, it's simply because at some point, you fell down. But now isrepparttar 122890 time to get up and start livingrepparttar 122891 life that you were born to live. And that is a life of purpose. That's a life of happiness and abundance.

Now, you ask, How do I get out ofrepparttar 122892 past and Get Up? Well, I would like to say, "it’s simple." But that wouldn't berepparttar 122893 truth. There's nothing "simple" about it. It's a daily process that you must work on. You have to be committed to making changes in your life. You have to believe that God has a purpose for you. You MUST have faith. You have to change your mindset andrepparttar 122894 things that are presently in your life. In other words, you will have to work on YOU.

You will have to realize that what happened yesterday, is gone. You can never get that time back and, therefore, there is nothing you can do about it. But right in front of you is another minute or another hour or another day, week, month, year. Those things haven't happened yet, so you can start to orchestrate your present so that your future will be more to your liking.

Start by telling yourself, over and over and over and over again, "My past has no bearing on who I am right this second. And, therefore, is NOT important. I am here to glorify God. I am God's child and, therefore, worthy of greatness."

If you take this simple phrase and say it to yourself all day long, over and over again, you will soon start to notice changes in your life. All of a sudden, without even thinking about it, you will start to pack your old baggage fromrepparttar 122895 past and move them to a closet that you will lock and throw awayrepparttar 122896 key. And when you get stronger in your faith, you will find yourself sellingrepparttar 122897 whole house and moving into a completely different neighborhood--one that is completely different fromrepparttar 122898 hood you used to live in.

I know that when you were young you learnedrepparttar 122899 song, "Ring aroundrepparttar 122900 rosie, a pocket full of posie. Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down." Nobody got up atrepparttar 122901 end of that song. Well, that wasrepparttar 122902 old school way of thinking. I like Donnie McClurkin's song better because his song leaves you with a feeling of hope.

ACTION POINT: If you find yourself living inrepparttar 122903 past or letting past experiences hold you back from bringing new and exciting things into your life, STOP! Tell yourself, "My past has no bearing on who I am right this second. And, therefore, is NOT important. I am here to glorify God. I am God's child and, therefore, worthy of greatness." Say this to yourself, over and over again. Try it. And always remember:

A Saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up!

Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and coach. She has an amazing way of reaching you with her down-to-earth style and her ability to make the impossible seem possible. Sign up for her FREE weekly newsletter by sending a blank email to mailto:yourlifespurpose-subscribe@topica.com.

Imagination is Funny

Written by Dawn Fields

Continued from page 1

That is what we do with a lot of things in our lives.

Let’s say you know what your purpose is, but you are afraid to go after it. You are afraid because you have used your imagination to think of allrepparttar negative things that “could” happen.

You picture yourself as a failure. You imagine that you won’t be able to make a living doing what you love. You imagine losing your house or your children starving to death because you can’t support them. You imagine everyone laughing at your idea. You imagine that it will never work. You imagine that people will think you are crazy because you even THOUGHT that you could do something wonderful.

So, you do nothing. You stay on a job that you know will never pay yourepparttar 122887 type of money that you want and need. You stay on a job that just doesn’t feel good to your soul. You stay on a job that stresses you out each and every day of your life because you imagine that you would die without this job. You imagine that if you weren’t working there, you probably wouldn’t be able to do anything else—well, withrepparttar 122888 economy as it is and all. You imagine that you’ll be on unemployment for months and not have enough money to survive. NO THANK YOU! I’LL STAY RIGHT HERE AND SUFFER.

But, what if you used your imagination in a positive way? What if you imagined yourself livingrepparttar 122889 life you’ve always wanted to live? What if you imagined yourself having allrepparttar 122890 things you want and need? What if you imagined yourself moving closer to God and God supplying all of your needs for you? What if you used your imagination and created ways that you could make a living doingrepparttar 122891 one thing that you love to dorepparttar 122892 most? What if you used your imagination and imagined that you were a multi-millionaire? What if you did this allrepparttar 122893 time? What if you imagined you livingrepparttar 122894 life you’ve always wanted to live?

Do you know that by using your imagination inrepparttar 122895 positive way that positive things will start to happen for you?

You will start to have ideas and thoughts that will bring you closer to what you want out of life. You will start to create things that will help you get to where you want to be and dorepparttar 122896 things that you want to do.

ACTION POINT: From this day forward, whenever you find your imagination running towardsrepparttar 122897 negative—STOP. Rewind. Shift gears and use your imagination towards something POSITIVE. It takesrepparttar 122898 same amount of energy to think of something positive as it does to think of something negative. Why not create positive things in your life?

Use your imagination wisely.

Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and coach. She has an amazing way of reaching you with her down-to-earth style and her ability to make the impossible seem possible. Sign up for her FREE weekly newsletter by sending a blank email to mailto:yourlifespurpose-subscribe@topica.com.

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