We Don't Take Them Crushed

Written by Sue Dyson

Continued from page 1

Strive to rise above it, do not take their comments personally, for they are simply coming fromrepparttar results of their past history. It really has very little to do with you and Now.

The flip side of these situations is to be aware of when we may be squashing someone else's dreams. Have you caught yourself saying 'no way' to someone else's dreams? Or being less than enthusiastic when someone shares a bright idea? Sometimes we inadvertently squash our kids' dreams in an effort to 'protect' them from being hurt. The logic behind this is to disappoint them before someone else does. Who are we to say where our kid's dreams lay? It is a process they are undergoing. It is how they determine FOR THEMSELVES who they are, what they desire out of life.

Say your child shows a strong interest in skateboarding. He - and I mean no gender bias, it's just relative to my life and will make this read better - is passionate about it. Does it 24/7. Eats, sleeps, breathes it. Only ever wants to skate likerepparttar 123344 wind. Because of your own conditioning, this may not be your dream for your child. You may believe he can do so much more with his life. I don't feel this way about skateboarding, byrepparttar 123345 way, but some adults do. Back torepparttar 123346 story...

He may or may not desire to become a world class skateboarder. He may be unaware a desire could be felt so strongly about anything. It'srepparttar 123347 process that matters. In loving skateboarding - or whatever - he is learning what it feels like to get to know himself. He is learning how to care about something so much it makes him ache. He is also learning about his world and how he is accepted in it based on his love of something, his desires.

It is so vitally important that we accept people, our little clones included, for their spirit. Not what they believe in. Not what they love or don't love. Not what they look like. Or don't look like. This is what we expect from others, don't we?

Article by Sue Dyson, publisher of SuccessfulMama Ezine, dedicated to empowering women in the creation and pursuit of their personal goals. Sign up for SuccessfulMama Ezine today at: ==>http://www.SuccessfulMama.com

Forgotten your new year's resolutions already? - how to get back on track

Written by Kerry-Ann Cox

Continued from page 1
3) Write down you goals for this year 4) Spend a few minutes every morning reading your goals and feeling what it will be like when you achieve them. 5) Make a plan to achieve your goals 6) Take small steps each day or each week to achieve your goal. A great man once saidrepparttar way to achieve your goals is to underachieve each day. If you do a little each day you will be surprised by how much you have done byrepparttar 123343 end ofrepparttar 123344 week. If you have always wanted to write a book just write a page a day, or even a page a week. And in a short period of time you will have a number of pages you will have written and can be proud of.

When you spend a little time each morning reinforcing your desires, you put yourself inrepparttar 123345 position to follow through on your commitments to yourself.

To help you look at any sabotage programs you may be running there is a great book that I mentioned inrepparttar 123346 last newsletter called "The Midas Method". You can pick up a free copy at http://www.megastep.com/mmgo/

You can make this yearrepparttar 123347 year that you follow through on promises made torepparttar 123348 most important person in your life - YOU!


Make this year your best yet by downloading the Free ebook "Success Secrets". To get your copy from the Exalted Living website go to http://www.exaltedliving.com/suse.htm

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