Waterproofing your foundation? What is the right choice?

Written by Dagmar Rakos

Continued from page 1

If you wantrepparttar best ones you should aim atrepparttar 103177 ones which are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-flammable, also VOC compliant, offer superior vapor and water barrier protection, and no priming is required before installation.

Disadvantages: Possibility of inconsistency in coverage, butrepparttar 103178 newest liquid rubber foundation waterproofing membranes will help you to determinerepparttar 103179 "right" thickness by intensity of color f.e.repparttar 103180 ICF-Green Shield from Aquasealusa.com cures to dark green – so if you see any lighter patches, you just add more liquid.

There are of course other products onrepparttar 103181 market like sheet membranes, cementitous waterproofing, hot tar or bentonite, but they either don’t offer such a long warranty, are labor intensive or low quality, or you have to use company employees/certified technicians who arerepparttar 103182 only ones allowed to apply their product which will cost extra money.

Basically it comes what your needs are and how much money your are willing to invest to protect your property properly.

What seems to be cheaper atrepparttar 103183 beginning can be Very costly later on if you don’t do it rightrepparttar 103184 first time.

Dagmar Rakos is the site Administrator for Waterproofing-Foundation-Guaranteed.com Highly effective, easy to apply foundation and basement waterproofing products for ICF and standard construction. For home builders and waterproofing contractors. Free Shipping! Get it at: www.waterproofing-foundation-guaranteed.com

Creating Information Products For Money, Image And Success

Written by Michael Port

Continued from page 1

In addition torepparttar great benefits listed above, there are several more which apply specifically to information products and make them an even more attractive choice.

They are remarkably cost-effective - Since traditional production and distribution is unnecessary, your costs are significantly reduced and your margin for profit is significantly increased.

Increase your speed to market - While it might take months or years to get a hardbound book written, edited, published, produced, and distributed to book stores, you can deliverrepparttar 103176 same content inrepparttar 103177 format of an e-book and bring it intorepparttar 103178 world in a matter of days or weeks instead.

Content can be leveraged in several formats - The same content can be presented in several different formats; as an e-book, an e-course, a tele-class, a home study course, andrepparttar 103179 list goes on and on. My Book Yourself Solid product line is a perfect example. See how I've created a full product line at www.BookYourselfSolid.com.

Opportunity for bold self-expression and learning - The Web allows you to get your message to millions simultaneously while atrepparttar 103180 same time offering yourepparttar 103181 opportunity to learn in action as you challenge yourself to create something totally unique.

Now isrepparttar 103182 time to get into action. Product creation does not have to be that difficult. To learn more, visit http://www.90dayproduct.com. Before you know it you'll be hearingrepparttar 103183 beautiful, melodic, 'ka-ching, ka-ching' sound of your website turned cash register, asrepparttar 103184 orders come rolling in.

Michael Port is the President of Michael Port & Associates LLC and is known as the guy to call when you’re tired of thinking small. To spend some more time with Michael and to think bigger about who you are and what you offer the world go to http://www.MichaelPort.com

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