Water, Water Everywhere on the Waterfront!

Written by Wally Conway

Continued from page 1

Take Care of Yourself First - Protect yourself and your family from stress, fatigue, and health hazards that follow a flood. Give Your Home First Aid - Once it is safe to go back in, protect your home and contents from further damage. Get Organized - Some things are not worth repairing and some things may be too complicated or expensive for you to do by yourself. A recovery plan can take these things into account and help you makerepparttar most of your time and money. Dry Out Your Home - Floodwaters damage materials, leave mud, silt and unknown contaminants, and promoterepparttar 101323 growth of mildew. You need to dry your home to reduce these hazards andrepparttar 101324 damage they cause. Restorerepparttar 101325 Utilities - The rest of your work will be much easier if you have heat, electricity, clean water, and sewage disposal. Clean Up - The walls, floors, closets, shelves, contents and any other flooded parts of your home should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. Check on Financial Assistance - Voluntary agencies, businesses, insurance, and government disaster programs can help you through recovery. Rebuild and Flood-proof - Take your time to rebuild correctly and make improvements that will protect your building from damage byrepparttar 101326 next flood. Prepare forrepparttar 101327 Next Flood - Protect yourself fromrepparttar 101328 next flood with flood insurance, a flood response plan, and community flood protection programs. This step also includes sources to go to for additional assistance. For more information on repairing your home after a flood, please visit www.redcross.org.

Many people highly prize waterfront living, and find it a deeply fulfilling experience. Knowing what to look for when choosing waterfront property will make your life onrepparttar 101329 water easier and more rewarding. Choose and plan wisely - it's about knowing!

Copyright © Florida HomePro, Inc. and Wallace J. Conway. All rights in all media reserved.

Wally Conway is President of Florida HomePro Inspections, and has recently written a book entitled "Secrets of the Happy Home Inspector", available at GoHomePro.com. As a speaker, writer, and instructor, Wally blends the right amount of up-to-date information with just the right amount of humor, insight, motivation, and real-world application. Visit WallyConway.com for more information!

Men On Dating- Timing, Turn-offs and Keepers

Written by Toni Coleman, LCSW

Continued from page 1

What are turn-offs for you?

* " Doesn't take care of herself- sloppy, disorganized, etc." * " Negativity is a big turn-off- behavior, relationships, conversation" * " High-maintenance- nothing is ever enough" * " Game-player/won't express needs and feelings directly" * " Expects too much in general and doesn't give back equally" * " Is alwaysrepparttar victim- everyone unfair and unkind to them" * "needy, insecure, clingy" * " selfish- stingy with money, time, friends"

What arerepparttar 101322 qualities that make a woman a "keeper"?

* " Nurturing" * "supportive" * " intelligent" * " very into me" * " appreciates what I contribute and is respectful of my feelings" * " self-reliant" * "family-oriented, likes kids" * " career or no career ok as long as she contributes torepparttar 101323 family (great mom)

How would you define "date"?

* " Make plans in advance" * " There is something there besides sex" * " This is something you want to pursue- have an interest inrepparttar 101324 person" * "Friends with benefits can lead to dating or be considered a date" * "Hooking-up is not dating"

How does a woman know if a guy is really interested?

* " He will pursue her" * " No matter what, he will keep in contact" * " He communicates regularly and pursues a dating relationship"

How does a guy let a woman know he is not/no longer interested?

* " He will vanish" * " Email or call but not bring up getting together" * "Say I had a great time, etc.- but then not call" * "Won't return calls or call when he said he would" * "Talk with her about how he is feeling/not feeling, but this is hard for many men to do" * "Has to do with his age and level of maturity- these will determine which way he will handle it"

Why/when do guys marry?

* " It's about maturity and readiness" * " Age and what friends are doing plays a large role" * " Has to do with readiness for making a commitment and having kids, etc." * " Heeds to feel financially, emotionally ready" * " Needs to really click with a woman- on all levels" * "timing is a lot of it"

The content ofrepparttar 101325 feedback from these guys was very consistent. The overall consensus? High-maintenance, negative women arerepparttar 101326 biggest turn-offs. Confident, together women, who take care of themselves, can communicate honestly and directly and are easy to be with- gotrepparttar 101327 highest marks. Timing in relationships plays a huge role. Mostly,repparttar 101328 men emphasized that when a guy is truly interested in a woman, he will pursue her and let her know. If he offers excuses and doesn't follow through, he's just not interested- either in her or in a relationship at this time.

My advice torepparttar 101329 women out there. "Listen" closely to what he communicates non-verbally. If he says one thing, but does another, he is not telling yourepparttar 101330 whole truth. If you have just begun dating someone or have seen him for a while and his behavior towards you changes suddenly- address this with him immediately. Most of all, if something just doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts and let them be your guide.

Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach who has been quoted in many publications including: The Chicago Tribune and The Orlando Sentinel newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, and Star magazines. She has been featured on ABC News; Discovery Health Channel and AOL Online. She is a weekly contributing commentator on the KTRS Radio Morning Show, (St. Louis, MO). Toni founded Consum-mate.com in 2002.

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