Want to Work from Home? Ever Given a Thought to Telecommuting?

Written by Vishal P. Rao

Continued from page 1

4. Less distraction equals more work.

It's no secret that oftenrepparttar hardest place to work is at repparttar 116963 office. There is a world of distractions there ranging from ringing telephones to chatty co-workers. Even telecommuting part ofrepparttar 116964 time can reduce these distractions and make work more efficient. And if everyone comes torepparttar 116965 office at least one common day a week, meetings and review sessions can be held on this day andrepparttar 116966 rest ofrepparttar 116967 week left for more intense work.

There are some challenges to telecommuting for both employees and their companies, but if you really want to telecommute most of these can be handled with a few simple strategies:

1. Communicate.

If your employer feels face-to-face communication is important for your business, suggest that all ofrepparttar 116968 employees come torepparttar 116969 office on at least one common day a week. Meetings can be held on these days, and you can go over what you've accomplished while on your telecommuting days.

2. Set and track goals and progress.

One ofrepparttar 116970 biggest fears of employers when it comes torepparttar 116971 idea of telecommuting is that they don't have any way to monitor whatrepparttar 116972 employee is doing throughrepparttar 116973 workday. It takes a lot of trust to assume an employee is hard at work when they are out ofrepparttar 116974 boss's sights. Help eliminate this concern by coming up with ways to track and share your progress. This will also help you make sure you are making repparttar 116975 most of your opportunity while still fulfilling your work responsibilities.

3. Delineate between your workspace and your personal space.

It's just good practice to have a spot designated for your work. Even if it isrepparttar 116976 kitchen table, set yourself up inrepparttar 116977 morning and pack your things back up inrepparttar 116978 evening when work time is finished. This will help you stay on track when working, and not be tempted to work when it is your personal time. It will also serve as an indicator to your family of when you are working and preferably not to be disturbed.

If you are looking for more information on telecommuting, such as how to approach your boss withrepparttar 116979 idea, you can contact The American Telecommuting Association for some more information. They sell some booklets on telecommuting topics, but their site (http://www.knowledgetree.com/ata.html) also has free information available.

Vishal P. Rao is the editor of Home Based Business Opportunities - A website dedicated to opportunities, ideas and resources for starting a home based business. Visit him at: http://www.home-based-business-opportunities.com

Balancing SEO and Other Forms Of Advertising

Written by Dan J. Fry

Continued from page 1

Here are a few types of advertising for your home business you should consider:

(1) Classified Ads - cheap and short to write. (2) Article submission - write an article and post for free. The rewards reaped can be enormous inrepparttar long term. (3) Paid ads in E-Zines - hit those seldom used small niche markets! (4) Link exchange - can you bring in traffic from another site? You betcha! (5) Newsgroup and Discussion lists - join in on discussions and pass out a small blurb about your business atrepparttar 116962 end. (6) Sig files - after all your online! Make use of all ofrepparttar 116963 emails you send out daily. (7) Flyers - yep, offline!

The bottom line here is not to stagnate. Search engines are important but notrepparttar 116964 only way to promote. Its better to balance your site optimization with other promotion strategies. If one method fails you at least have others to fall back on.

Dan J. Fry is an independent researcher and owner of e-Kinetic.com, a site devoted to providing resources for small budget home businesses. He has a PhD in Physics and is married with two daughters and two cats. Subscribe to his free E-Zine on home business resources at mailto:e-kinetic@GetResponse.com or by visiting his site at http://www.e-kinetic.com . He can be reached at mailto:comp@e-kinetic.com .

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