Want More Sales? Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

Push their emotional "hot buttons", by using magic selling words like, new, save, amazing, free, guaranteed, security, no-risk, look younger, feel better, etc!

Finally, we come torepparttar last letter inrepparttar 120149 formula, but certainly notrepparttar 120150 least: A="ACTION." You want to close your sales letter with a call to action! In other words, ask them forrepparttar 120151 order. It's important to ask forrepparttar 120152 order at least six or more times.

Here are a few examples of effective closes:

1. "Just click onrepparttar 120153 button below to order NOW--Risk-Free!"

2. "To get your FREE web site--Order NOW!"

3. "Limited time offer! Order NOW!"

Something else that's very effective is to include a post- script (P.S.) atrepparttar 120154 end of your sales letter. Your post-script should include an enticement of some sort, to get your prospects to order NOW. You should also userepparttar 120155 post-script as a final call to "ACTION!"

Here's an example of an effective post-script:

P.S. If you order withinrepparttar 120156 next 7 days, you'll also receive a personalized calculator mouse pad absolutely FREE, with your company's name embossed in gold lettering! Order NOW!"

You can also use a post script to tie everything together, by summarizing your most important benefits.

Another reason that you should use a post-script is strictly elementary. Studies have shown that most people, when reading a sales letter will readrepparttar 120157 headline and then immediately zoom right down torepparttar 120158 bottom ofrepparttar 120159 page to check outrepparttar 120160 price, and see if your offer is anything that they'd be interested in.

WARNING: Don't be fooled byrepparttar 120161 simplicity ofrepparttar 120162 AIDA formula. It's been proven over time. It's powerful, and it works. In fact,repparttar 120163 power is in its simplicity.

Also, when writing a sales letter, there are two critical points you must NEVER, EVER forget:

1. Most people don't make a buying decision based on logic. They make a buying decision based on their emotions. They justify their decision with logic, afterrepparttar 120164 fact.

2. People don't want to feel like they're being coerced or pushed into anything. They want to feel like they arrived at a buying decision completely of their own free will.

Go back and read those two points again. Obviously, that's a very fine line to walk. But you MUST learnrepparttar 120165 distinction, if you want to masterrepparttar 120166 art of writing effective sales letters.

In closing, followrepparttar 120167 AIDA formula faithfully and it will rarely let you down.

And remember, when writing your sales letters, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS answer that one question we all want to know: "What's in it for me?"

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto: dean@lets-make-money.net

Visit his website at: http://www.lets-make-money.net

It's Up To You!

Written by Jerry Lunsford

Continued from page 1

It is impossible for a person to succeed if they quit. If your mowing your lawn andrepparttar lawnmower runs out of gas do you just quit. (some of us would like to) No. You fill it with gas and finishrepparttar 120148 job. In our daily lives we are faced with obstacles throughoutrepparttar 120149 day. But because these obstacles are so familiar to us we overcome them without a thought. Because running a business is so unfamiliar to most of usrepparttar 120150 obstacles we face appear daunting. Remember your lawn mower running out of gas? You solvedrepparttar 120151 problem by filling it up with gas. You didn't turn it upside down then try and start it. You didn't put water in it then try and start it. None of that would have worked. You did what had to be done to make it work. You put gas in it. When you didrepparttar 120152 right thing you were rewarded with a working lawn mower.

The same goes for your business. If you are not getting very many if any hits to your website that becomes an obstacle. Analizerepparttar 120153 situation, and if you do not know what to do seekrepparttar 120154 advice of those who do and then follow through with that advice. If one person was successful implementing that advice then so can everyone else who applies that same advice. That isrepparttar 120155 way life works. Everything has it's own way to it. All things must be done in a certain manner. The moment you go against it you start to encounter problems.

If you choose to either follow bad advice or choose not to follow good advice then you have maderepparttar 120156 choice as to what will become of your business. Your success or failure is no ones fault but your own. Implement a marketing plan, (Setting Goals for Yourself) follow good sound advice, be patient, and you will succeed. No matter what you are up against. No matter how many other people are doing exactlyrepparttar 120157 same thing you are doing. No matter how rich, poor, ugly, pretty, short, fat, tall, etc... you can succeed because..... It's all up to you!

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