Want A Sticky Website That Sells? Forget Content!

Written by Michel Fortin

Continued from page 1

According to Atomica.com, "copy" is defined as "the words to be printed or spoken in an advertisement." (And "advertisement" is defined as "a notice or announcement designed to attract public patronage." It's selling something, in other words.)

Butrepparttar word "content," onrepparttar 134500 other hand, is defined as "the subject matter of a written work, such as a book or magazine." And keep in mind that there's no mention ofrepparttar 134501 Internet, here.

Nevertheless, this is why I submit that, with its multitude of links and hypertexts,repparttar 134502 web transformsrepparttar 134503 passive reader into an active, responsive participant. (Make that "response-able.")

A book or magazine is limited by its front and back covers. The web, however, is not. If your content does not strive at gettingrepparttar 134504 reader to do something, whether it's to buy, join, subscribe, call, email, fill out a form, download, click or whatever, then you need to seriously rethink your content andrepparttar 134505 words you use.

Here's my explanation ofrepparttar 134506 difference between content and copy.

Content informs. Copy invites. Even if content invites readers to keep reading, it's still selling an idea. It's still calling for some kind of action. And it's still copy, in my opinion.

If your web page is only meant to inform people, like some kind of book, it's content. (And likerepparttar 134507 closing of a book once it's read,repparttar 134508 only action left is to closerepparttar 134509 browser window.) But if it contains links to other parts of your website, then it's copy. And you need to write your content with that mindset.

Ultimately, write your content by incorporating a direct response formula that compels and propels your readers to act. Don't leave them hanging. Take them byrepparttar 134510 hand. In your content, integrate a call for some kind of action, in other words. Ask your reader to "buy now," "join today," "get this" or "download that ..."

... Or better yet, at least ask them to simply "click here."

Michel Fortin is a copywriter, author and consultant dedicated to turning businesses into powerful magnets. His specialty are long copy, email and web sales letters. Subscribe to his FREE monthly email newsletter by visiting http://SuccessDoctor.com/.

Targeting "Right" Visitors

Written by Amrit Hallan

Continued from page 1

1. Do you know what segment ofrepparttar population would find your web content interesting? What economical, political and social background are they going to come from? What's going to berepparttar 134499 gender, andrepparttar 134500 age range, andrepparttar 134501 educational qualification?

2. Are you aware of their surfing habits, their Internet awareness level? Do you know what'srepparttar 134502 frequency of their business transactions throughrepparttar 134503 Internet? Are they first time service buyers or seasoned buyers?

3. What'srepparttar 134504 hardware/software your audience is expected to use while logging on to your site? What's their surfing speed and connection speed? Do they have to pay a lot while surfing? Many surfers don't surf with ease because they have to bear heavy telephone connection cost in order to userepparttar 134505 Net as in Europe and Asia.

It's not sometimes technically and logically feasible to accommodate allrepparttar 134506 points mentioned above, but as one evolves as a webmaster, things can continuously be improved, according torepparttar 134507 feedback garnered fromrepparttar 134508 users, day by day, week by week, month by month.

After you've designed and planned out your web site, you can takerepparttar 134509 following steps to getrepparttar 134510 traffic of your preference:

1. Define your keywords properly forrepparttar 134511 search engines. You don't have to incorporaterepparttar 134512 entire thesaurus for your product. The more you narrow down,repparttar 134513 more target audience you'll get. Limit yourself to 6-7 keywords if you want to target a highly focussed group. You can also do keyword bidding at various pay search engines like RealNetworks and GoTo.

2. Formulate a concise and to-the-point description of your index page. Try to include words, in a manner thatrepparttar 134514 sentence makes sense, that might help search engines find your site.

3. In directories like yahoo!, always chooserepparttar 134515 right heading to add your URL. Don't think thatrepparttar 134516 more general heading you choose,repparttar 134517 more visitors you attract. Remember it's notrepparttar 134518 quantity that matters, it'srepparttar 134519 quality. So go torepparttar 134520 lowest level before submitting your URL.

4. Try to includerepparttar 134521 major searchable words inrepparttar 134522 first paragraph of your web site content. Many search engines read first 250-300 words of a page to index it.

5. I've noticed search tools like Google userepparttar 134523 title ofrepparttar 134524 page to give it recognition. Butrepparttar 134525 recommendation byrepparttar 134526 gurus of web development is thatrepparttar 134527 title should berepparttar 134528 name of your company. Still, since Google spiders allrepparttar 134529 pages if your web site even if you submit justrepparttar 134530 index page, you can play around withrepparttar 134531 titles ofrepparttar 134532 other pages. Just make sure that from every page, there is a link to you main page, andrepparttar 134533 link should be attractive enough.

6. A compelling signature that accompanies your e-mail messages many times generates useful visits. It should constitute of a two-line, pithy description of your business, andrepparttar 134534 link to your URL.

7. Although this I wouldn't suggest to people who have to pay forrepparttar 134535 online time according torepparttar 134536 usage hours, you can look for various message boards and bulletin boards to spreadrepparttar 134537 word around about your business. Don't outright start your media blitzkrieg though. Introduce yourself first, participate in various discussions and debates, and during on ofrepparttar 134538 interactions, you can tell about your business.

I hope these steps help you generate hits that in return generate business for you. For any sort of design consulting, you can write to me at mailto:amrit@bytesworth.com

Amrit Hallan is a freelance web designer. For all web site development and web promotion needs, you can get in touch with him at amrit@bytesworth.com. For more such articles, visit http://www.bytesworth.com/articles You can subscribe to his newsletter [BYTESWORTH REACHOUT] on Web Designing Tips & Tricks by sending a blank email at bytesworth-subscribe@topica.com

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