Want A BIG Boost In Sales? Market To Lots Of Niches.

Written by Carol Cook

Continued from page 1

You can turn niche sales into big sales by catering to lots of good niche audiences. At AllenBeys we offer a very large collection of carefully niched pages offering 16,000 items from 15 countries.

These aren'trepparttar kinds of products you would likely find at Walmart or Kmart. People flock to our online store to discoverrepparttar 121983 stunning,repparttar 121984 unusual,repparttar 121985 hard to find, andrepparttar 121986 one-of-a-kind.

History buffs revel in our replicas of blunderbusses, suits of armor, Samurai swords, and Sherlock Holmes Chess Sets. Think about it a moment. Where else can you find a realistic blunderbuss if that's what you really want? - (and you might be surprised atrepparttar 121987 thousands of people who take great delight in historical objects like these).

Start creating your niche empire. Find an audience that deeply craves a hard-to-find item. Then add to your success by uncovering more niche groups whose loyalty and sales you can quickly attract by satisfying their specialized needs.

Carol Cook is one of the founders of Allenbeys.com, the site that searches the world for unique, hard to find products in unusual categories. There's no ho-hum shopping here! See their 16,000 items at http://www.allenbeys.com Reach Carol at allenbeys@allenbeys.com.

Use Hands-on Marketing to Sell Like Crazy

Written by Alvin Apple

Continued from page 1

1. Saturday Afternoon atrepparttar Mall. Set up a table outside your local mall or shopping center and hand out cookies and punch. Have a big banner advertising your business, and enough flyers or business cards for potential clients to take with them. Maybe even have a raffle for one free service or product, like one free trial house-cleaning.

2. Signs in your vehicle. Make a professional looking sign that has your business name and phone number in big clear print. Park your car in a conspicuous spot for a few hours when you don't need it and putrepparttar 121982 sign in your window.

3. Pinup Flyers. Make a flyer giving allrepparttar 121983 basics about your business. Make surerepparttar 121984 flyer is simple and easy to read. Avoid to much type or pictures. Have tear off tabs atrepparttar 121985 bottom with your business name and phone number.

4. Use Your Imagination. Once you're on a roll with this kind of stuff, you'll automatically think of a lot more ways to go about it. Listen to your own ideas, they're probably great.

Well, Paula started out with a Saturday afternoon atrepparttar 121986 mall. She told me that within a couple of weeks she had pulled in five new clients. Later that week I noticed a few flyers downtown with her name and number above a big picture of a scrub-brush and mop. I learned from her later that, overrepparttar 121987 course of a few more weeks, she had pulled in another three clients, and was getting near her limit. She couldn't have been happier, and she said she had spent a total of about 10 hours and 30 bucks.

So remember, when you're just getting started in business, there's often no need to go with a big expensive marketing strategy. Keep it hands-on, and before you know it, your business will be bigger than you ever imagined. There's money to be made out there if you just know how to do it.

Alvin Apple helps everyday people start businesses they will enjoy. Then he teaches them how to succeed. Read all his helpful strategies, including his latest article, "Gender Equality in Business" at http://AlvinApple.com. Reach Alvin at 801-328-9006 or alvin@drnunley.com.

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