Wanna Work From Home? Join the PIPS Revolution!

Written by www.homebusinessnetworks.com

Continued from page 1

So where doesrepparttar crap end and true Internet money-making begin? Affiliates programs. PIPS, for one. PIPS is short for Plug-In Profit System, a spider-web like matrix of users who make a small $50 investment (for aquiring a domain name) that becomes part of a massive network that is affiliated with multi-million dollar marketing services conglomerates. Essentially, PIPS sites sell dozens of products, andrepparttar 103109 owner of a PIPS site will make a commission. PIPS sites also earn huge commissions by setting up other PIPS sites and creating a huge downline. Money is always possible with a PIPS site, and your job is clear: it's not stuffing envelopes or taking pointless surveys, it's advertising your ass off--getting your site out there. Once that's done, sit back, relax, and check your mailbox once a month for some handsome checks.



Empower It Forward

Written by yudha

Continued from page 1

Empowerism will help you develop a great business through email training, online tutorials, specialized programs, and online courses. This is not only available to you, but to allrepparttar people you sponsor in Empowerism. Empowerism is a lead generation and coaching program to help you gainrepparttar 103108 most from any business.

Your Empowerism subscription also includes an autoresponder, contact manager, monthly targeted opt-in leads, and all ofrepparttar 103109 education and tools to integrate them into a complete automated marketing system including one-on-one tech support, an excellent monthly magazine, and much more.

Empowerism will enhance your business skills and give you some powerful and advanced internet marketing tools.

-------------------------------------------------- How Do I Get Started? --------------------------------------------------

So get started by going to my Empower-it-forward site:

http://www.empower-it-forward.com/users/fastincome/index.html and click on Join NOW! Then send this email (with your information filled in) to bebas2005@yahoo.com:

--------------- SUBJECT: Pay It Forward BODY: Hi Yudha, I would like you to Pay It Forward and help me start my Empowerism business. I have joined under you and my Empowerism Member ID is (your ID). Please send my rebates to (the email address that you use to receive PayPal payments).

I understand that instead of paying you back, I will Pay It Forward by helping at least 3 people to do exactly what we are doing here.

(your name) (your email address) ---------------

When you sign up using my Empowerism site, I will send you a $20.00 rebaterepparttar 103110 first month and a $4.95 rebaterepparttar 103111 second month. (by sending it to your PayPal account as soon as possible.)

Share this Pay It Forward action plan with your email list and anyone you know that may be interested. You'll see your downline is growing when you receive those exciting email messages from Empowerism that say:

-Your Empowerism Downline is Growing! (when someone in your downline sponsors someone) -Your efforts are paying off! (when you personally sponsor someone)

Please Note: If you already have an Empowerism position, they only allow 1 account per social security/tax ID number. However, you can still use this offer to get your spouse or another adult family member their own Empowerism position.

Thanks for reading this far and considering my offer. I look forward to receiving your Pay It Forward message and working with you to grow your business and help a lot of people earn some additional income so they and we can get more out of life.

Yudha Kusuma bebas2005@yahoo.com


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